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康复机器人(rehabilitation robots)是近年出现的一种新型机器人,它属于医疗机器人范畴.它分为康复训练机器人和辅助型康复机器人,康复训练机器人的主要功能是帮助患者完成各种运动功能的恢复训练,如行走训练、手臂运动训练、脊椎运动训练,颈部运动训练等;辅助型康复机器人主要用来帮助肢体运动有困难的患者完成各种动作,如机器人轮椅、导盲手杖,机器人假肢,机器人护士等[1].
1987年4月以来我们应用自行设计的环形外固定器[1]治疗股骨、胫骨骨不连,畸形58例,效果良好,报告如下:1 临床资料临床应用58例,男36例,女22例;年龄12~61岁,平均38岁;骨不连39例,其中股骨18例,胫骨骨不连21例.骨折不连时间6月~3年4个月,平均1年2个月.骨折畸形愈合19例,股骨9例.胫骨骨折畸连10例.2例12岁和14岁男孩患有胫腓骨下段畸连同时伴有下肢短缩5~5.5cm.骨折畸形愈合时间2.5月~5年4个月.平均8.5月,58例骨不连及畸连病人属内固定失败28例,外固定失效26例,4例病人由于各种原因未及时医治造成.
再谈下肢动脉硬化闭塞症的治疗策略——基于TASC Ⅱ PAD的诊断治疗指南
由于不良生活习惯、饮食结构改变、人口老龄化和伴发慢性疾病的影响,周围血管疾病(peripheralarterial disease,PAD)的发病率逐年升高.根据下肢动脉狭窄程度不同,PAD患者可以表现为无症状、间歇性跛行、严重肢体缺血和急性下肢缺血.本文将针对PAD的不同临床表现结合TASCⅡ诊疗指南,对下肢动脉硬化闭塞性疾病的治疗策略进行探讨.
下肢慢性静脉功能不全(chronic venous insuffi-ciencv,CVI)按其病因可分为原发性、继发性、先天性.按其解剖范围可分为浅、深和交通静脉三个系统,亦即包括浅静脉曲张、交通静脉瓣膜功能不全、深静脉瓣膜功能不全和深静脉血栓形成后遗症等[1].
关键词: 下肢慢性静脉功能不全 诊断和治疗 Lower Limbs 深静脉瓣膜功能不全 深静脉血栓形成后遗症 交通静脉 浅静脉曲张 原发性 先天性 继发性 系统 解剖 病因 CVI -
对下肢深静脉血栓形成(deep venous thrombosis of the lower limbs,DVT)的认识已近200年的历史,1810年Farriar首先报道1例,其后Davis指出股白肿由DVT引起并与分娩有关.
患者男,22 a,1998年开始静脉注射海洛因.2001年6月从右侧腹股沟处静脉注射海洛因时出现断针,未做处理.因出现双下肢肿痛、行走困难,于2001年12月23日入院.查体:体温36.4℃,脉搏每分钟150次,呼吸每分钟32次,血压105/65 mmHg.表情淡漠,被动体位.双肺(-),心率每分钟150次,律齐,心脏各瓣膜区未闻及病理性杂音.脾于肋缘下可触及2 cm,质软、边钝、压疼明显.
坏疽性脓皮病是一种以皮肤破坏性溃疡为特征的反应性炎症性皮肤病, 多见于成年人, 其皮肤损坏形态有一定的特征性.本病临床少见, 但病情较严重, 常与炎症性肠病、血液病和自身免疫性疾病等内科疾病并存.其组织病理改变属于嗜中性皮肤病范畴[1].
BACKGROUND:Incidence of atherosclerosis was higher in patients with diabetes.Atherosclerosis of peripheral limbs mainly affect artery of lower limbs and abnormal feeling of foot and intermittent limping was the manifestation.
关键词: 糖尿病患者 Lower Limbs -
BACKGROUND: With the development of medicine, rehabilitation treatment from early stage to later stage tends to systematization and specialization that are very important to function recovery of severe limb injury.
关键词: 下肢 外伤 术后 康复治疗 肢体 功能恢复 function recovery Lower Limbs -
INTRODUCTION It has been proved recently that obesity, microalbuminuria (MAU) and low- insulin resistance are independent risk factors and increase the mortality of cardiovascular diseases in type 2 diabetic patients. In order to study the relationship between microalbuminria and early larger artery lesions in type 2 diabetic patients,we analyzed the relationship between urine albumin excretory rate and arterial hemodynamic change in lower limbs.
64 cases of tibia platform fracture were received and treated from February1994 to December 2000. The patients were guided for rehabilitation treatment as early function exercise and herb washing esc, the effects were satisfactory and it is reported as following. 1 Objects and methods 1.1 Objects 64 cases,39 male,25 female, aged 16~ 72 years, 35 cases were at the left and 29 were at the right. 52 cases were treated in one week and 12 were from one week to two weeks.The fractures were of three types: There were 37 cases of exstrophy type, Degree I: Split fracture or compress fracture of tibia external condyle with little or no transportation. The indented articular facet of the compress was no more than 0.5 cm. There were 15 cases of Degree I in the group. Degree II: 1/3 articular facet at the outside of the external condyle was of split fracture and there were external transportation, the indentation of the internal 2/3 articular facet caused by the external condyle of the femur was no more than 1.0 cm. There were 13 cases of degree II in the group. Degree III: Fracture on both condyles and there were 7 cases of Degree III in the group. There were 18 cases of entropion type and 9 cases of vertical type in the group. 1.2 Methods ( 1) Non- operation treatment ① The lower limbs were fixed with plaster support for two weeks, after swelling at the knee joints disappeared, legs were fixed for another 2~ 4 weeks with plaster support or tube support, there were 30 cases in the group and the method was suitable for Degree I and II of the exstrophy type and entropion or vertical types with little transportation.② Bone traction for 2 weeks, and 2~ 4 weeks of lower limb plaster support or tube support, or continual bone traction combined with early function exercise, there were 9 cases in the group and the method was suitable for Degree III and IV of the exstrophy type, entropion and vertical types with major transportation.( 2) Operation treatment ① Open reduction and inner fixation: 25 cases.② Treating the knee joint combined wounds: 3 cases of meniscus extirpation, 3 cases of inner collateral ligament repairing, one case of external collateral ligament repairing, 2 cases of anterior cruciate ligament repairing and one case of posterior cruciate ligament repairing.( 3) Rehabilitation treatment:① Quadriceps femoris muscle isometric contraction exercises from the third day after operation and plaster fixation, 20~ 30 times for each group and 40~ 60 groups for each day. The intensity was added gradually. ② Herb washing was added, it may be performed in two weeks after stitches taking out or plaster fixing, the prescript was as the following:Chuan qiong 15g,Red peony root 15g,Chinese angelica 15g,Cassia twig 15g,Two tooth achyranthes root 15g,Safflower 20g,Halite 15g,Licorice root 15g,Frankincense 15g,Myrrh 15g,Staghorn clubmoss herb 25g and Tuberculate speranskia herb 25g. Twice a day and 30 minutes for each time, each dose may be used for two days. ③ Knee joint function exercise with the help of the CPM two weeks after plaster fixation or operation, slight passive movement at early period may enhance local blood circulation and reduce the possibility of joint adhesion, passive exercise with greater ranges may be performed for the knee joints after four weeks.
深静脉血栓形成(DVT)是临床较常见的血管疾病,近年发病率有增多的趋势.其形成的三大因素,包括血液高凝、血流滞缓和管壁损伤 [1].好发于下肢,临床表现为肢体肿胀、疼痛及浅静脉扩张或曲张等症状.
下肢深静脉血栓形成(deep vein thrombosis of the lower extremity,DVT)的治疗仍有争论.曾经常施行的手术取栓术现在被很多人所放弃,特别是纤溶药物的开发及临床应用以来,使手术取栓术更加减少,使DVT的手术治疗或非手术治疗成为争论的焦点之一.一般地说,溶栓治疗与单纯静脉切开取栓术的效果相仿,但明显优于单纯抗凝治疗.而针对病因的手术治疗则明显优于溶栓术治疗.我院的结果也表明手术治疗明显优于非手术.