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目的:探讨急性缺血性中风证候要素演变规律,并分析头颅影像学特征与证候演变的相关性.方法:从多中心、前瞻性、随机对照临床研究数据库中,选取120例符合纳入标准的发病24 h以内急性缺血性中风病例,通过ASPECTS评分方法对头颅磁共振图像进行评估,采用多因素Logistic回归分析方法,探索基于ASPECTS影像学特征与证候要素演变的相关性.结果:脑缺血损伤主要累及ASPECTS区域中的额顶叶皮层M5 (55.0%),内囊(40.9%)和豆状核(30.8%);与发病7d内证候演变有显著相关性的部位包括尾状核、内囊,以及岛叶、M1、M5、M6等皮层结构(P<0.05).结论:基于AS-PECTS的影像特征是影响中风病证候演变的重要因素.
罗曼·雅各布森(Roman Jakobson,1896-1982),布拉格语言学派代表人物,他对翻译理论的主要贡献体现在《论翻译的语言学问题》(On Linguistic Aspects of Translation,1959)一文中[1].
Introduction to Special Issue
This special issue presents the Italian approach to planned interventions by the Government and public institutions to counteract disability and handicap.Analysis of the provisions and laws which have followed on in time highlight the diversity between two types of approach:one that only considers physical or mental disability and one that also takes into consideration,besides these limitations,aspects linked to the social participation and integration of people with disabilities.
Psychology of Sport Injury:A Holistic Approach to Rehabilitating the Injured Athlete
Sports medicine practitioners must consider both physical and mental aspects of injury to fully rehabilitate the injured athlete. The psychological distress that follows injury has been well documented and calls for a change in the rehabilitation of injured athletes~ ([1-3]).
食品卫生安全是公共卫生领域的重大问题,目前我国在这一领域尚存在诸多薄弱环节.新的<食品安全法>将于2009年6月1日正式实施,这是我国加强食品安全的重要改革和进步.本文对造骨牛奶蛋白(Osteoblasts milk protein,OMP)相关组分的研究信息进行综述,并对其安全性研究加以关注.
The second Fascia Congress was an interdisciplinary event, organized for promoting the connections between the societies of researchers and clinicians working in the field of alternative medicine and traditional Oriental medicine. The organizers and participants introduced several aspects of the connective tissue matrix or so called fascial network of the human and mammalian body related to integrative biomedical sciences.
Use of instruments and scales in mental health research in China
Almost all mental health research involves the use of instruments or scales.These are employed to make diagnoses;to measure the severity of symptoms;to assess knowledge,attitudes and behaviors;and for a wide range of other purposes.Much of the reported mental health research in China employs Chinese versions of scales from the west,but in many cases the reliability and validity of the scales in China have not been adequately assessed so the validity of the reported results is in question.This paper discusses this issue and other aspects of using instruments and scales in China that have not been given sufficient attention by mental health researchers.