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绞股蓝[Gynostemma pentaphyllum(Thunb.)]Makino为葫芦科植物绞股蓝属,又名五叶参、七叶胆等.绞股蓝中含有皂苷、黄酮类化合物、多糖、磷脂、氨基酸、维生素、常量和微量无机元素等活性成分.
Persimmon leaf flavonoid has been shown to enhance brain ischemic tolerance in mice, but its mechanism of action remains unclear. The bilateral common carotid arteries were occluded using a micro clip to block blood flow for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes of ischemic preconditioning, 200, 100, and 50 mg/kg persimmon leaf flavonoid or 20 mg/kg ginaton was intragastrical y administered per day for 5 days. At 1 hour after the final administration, ischemia/reperfusion models were estab-lished by blocking the middle cerebral artery for 2 hours. At 24 hours after model establishment, compared with cerebral ischemic rats without ischemic preconditioning or drug intervention, plasma endothelin, thrombomodulin and von Wil ebrand factor levels significantly decreased and intercel-lular adhesion molecule-1 expression markedly reduced in brain tissue from rats with ischemic pre-conditioning. Simultaneously, brain tissue injury reduced. Ischemic preconditioning combined with drug exposure noticeably improved the effects of the above-mentioned indices, and the effects of 200 mg/kg persimmon leaf flavonoid were similar to 20 mg/kg ginaton treatment. These results indicate that ischemic preconditioning produces tolerance to recurrent severe cerebral ischemia. However, persimmon leaf flavonoid can elevate ischemic tolerance by reducing inflammatory reactions and vascular endothelial injury. High-dose persimmon leaf flavonoid showed an identical effect to ginaton.
组织缺血损伤在整形外科中目前仍是一个重要的问题.缺血的原因通常归结于组织的动脉供血不足,静脉回流不畅,或两者共同作用的结果.现在已发现能诱导新血管形成和改善组织缺血状态的许多血管生长因子中,血管内皮生长因子(vascular endothelial growth fact or VEGF)是作用强、特异性高的因子,它作用的受体仅发现在内皮细胞上.研究VEGF 基因治疗在组织缺血损伤修复中的作用,对促进整形外科的发展有着重要意义.
广泛软组织机械性损伤(Massive mechanjcal soft tissue injury MMSTI)在法医学鉴定案件中较为常见,其形成主要由钝器引起.
关键词: 软组织机械性损伤 多脏器功能障碍 Tissue Injury 法医学鉴定 案件