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Objective To assess the image quality and effective radiation dose of prospectively e -lectrocardiogram-triggered high-pitch spiral acquisition (flash spiral mode)dual-source CT coronary angiogra-phy in patients with high heart rate(HR).Methods From 1321 consecutive patients,seventy patients with HR≥70 bpm (group A) and seventy patients with HR <70 bpm (group B) underwent CT angiography and were prospectively included in this study .The start phase for image acquisition of the most cranial slice was selected at 20%-30% of the R-R interval for group A and at 60% of the RR interval for group B.Assessed the image quality and effective radiation dose of two group .Results (1)There were no significant differ-ences in age,sex,BMI and scan time between the two groups.(2)Image qualities:The segments with non-di-agnostic image quality occurred (i.e.score 3) had no significant difference between group A and group B (2.1% vs.1.5%,P=0.48).Non-diagnostic image quality was most often found in the RCA and LCX in both groups.(3)The estimated radiation dose was on average (1.00 ±0.15) mSv(0.7-1.82 mSv) in group A and (1.01 ±0.16)mSv (0.65-1.82 mSv) in group B.Conclusions Patients with high heart rates can be performed CTCA with high-pitch spiral acquisition mode.20%-30% of the R-R interval window for data ac-quisition for high-pitch dual-source CTCA may probably obtain good image quality with low doses .The high-est HRs are 100 bpm with good image quality.HR variability is a great effect factor of image quality .The esti-mated radiation dose is about 1 mSv.