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IL- 7和IL- 15自杀式基因修饰的中枢性记忆T细胞具有同种异基因反应性及自我更新的能力
白血病经同种异基因造血干细胞移植治疗后,其长期的临床缓解还依赖于同种异基因反应性记忆T细胞能否自我更新并分化成具有抗白血病作用的效应子,以对抗移植物抗宿主病(GVHD).记忆T细胞根据归巢受体CD62L和趋化因子受体CCR7的表达与否, 分为中枢性(TCM)和效应性(TEM)记忆T细胞.
Chronic alcoholism can damage the cytoskeleton and aggravate neurological deifcits. However, the effect of chronic alcoholism on hippocampal neurons remains unclear. In this study, a model of chronic alcoholism was established in rats that were fed with 6%alcohol for 42 days. Endog-enous hydrogen sulifde content and cystathionine-beta-synthase activity in the hippocampus of rats with chronic alcoholism were signiifcantly increased, while F-actin expression was decreased. Hippocampal neurons in rats with chronic alcoholism appeared to have a fuzzy nuclear mem-brane, mitochondrial edema, and ruptured mitochondrial crista. These findings suggest that chronic alcoholism can cause learning and memory decline in rats, which may be associated with the hydrogen sulfide/cystathionine-beta-synthase system, mitochondrial damage and reduced expression of F-actin.
Type 2 diabetes is a risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease. Insulin signaling in the brains of people with Alzheimer’s disease or Parkinson’s disease is impaired. Preclinical studies of growth factors showed impressive neuroprotective effects. In animal models of Alz-heimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease, insulin, glia-derived neurotrophic factor, or analogues of the incretin glucagon-like peptide-1 prevented neurodegenerative processes and improved neuronal and synaptic functionality in Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease. On the basis of these promising ifndings, several clinical trials are ongoing with the ifrst encouraging clinical results published. This gives hope for developing effective treatments for Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease that are currently unavailable.
NR2B subunits are involved in regulating aging, in particular, age-related learning and memory deficits. We examined 19-month-old NR2B transgenic mice and their littermate controls. First, we detected expression of the NR2B subunit gene, Grin2b, in the neocortex of transgenic mice using real-time PCR. Next, we used microarrays to examine differences in neocortical gene expression. Pathway and signal-net analyses identified multiple pathways altered in the transgenic mice, in-cluding the P53, Jak-STAT, Wnt, and Notch pathways, as wel as regulation of the actin cytoskeleton and neuroactive ligand-receptor interactions. Further signal-net analysis highlighted the P53 and insulin-like growth factor pathways as key regulatory pathways. Our results provide new insight into understanding the molecular mechanisms of NR2B regulated age-related memory storage, normal organismal aging and age-related disease.
1 何谓自传记忆所谓自传记忆(autobiographical memory)是一种关于自我(self)信息的记忆([1]).成人很少能回忆起两三岁前所经历的事情,却可以回忆起此后经历的事情.这一现象在心理学领域被称为婴儿遗忘症(infantile amnesia).
1术中知晓定义术中知晓定义为全身麻醉下的病人在手术过程中出现了有意识的状态,并且在术后可以回忆起术中发生的与手术相关联的事件.记忆可以分类为外显记忆(explicit memory)和内隐记忆(implicit memory).临床上术中知晓只限定为外显记忆,不包括内隐记忆;也不包括麻醉诱导入睡前和麻醉苏醒之后所发生的事件.术中做梦也不认为是术中知晓.
记忆障碍(impaired memory)是指个人处于一种不能记住或回忆信息或技能的状态,有可能是由于病理生理性的或情境性的原因引起的永久性或暂时性的记忆障碍.已有学者研究表明60岁以后的记忆障碍发生明显[1].本研究旨在探讨不同手术部位病人的记忆障碍情况,以期提升术前访视质量,从而延缓病人记忆障碍发生,使病人能够更好地行使社会功能.
Objective Explore the characteristics of age related memory changes of older Chinese adults living in the community and memory changes relative to age,education,gender,and occupation.Methods The Multi dimensional Memory Assessment Scale(MMAS) was administered 50 young adults aged between 20 and 30,as well as 280 older adults between 50 and 91 years of age and from three counties and Changsha city of Hunan province,China.Results Comparing with young adults,the memory functions of Chinese adults over 50 decreased with aging and went down abruptly after 65 years old,except for everyday life memory.The explicit memory of older adults declined with age more significantly than implicit memory.For explicit memory,the impairment of associate learning occurred more early and severely than free recall and recognition.The age,education,occupation,and gender were significant predictors of the explicit memory,the implicit memory was predicted only by age,and education and gender were significant predictors of the everyday life memory.Conclusion The older Chinese adults perform poorly on the memory tests as compared with young adults,the rates of decline of different memory functions are different,and the age,education,occupation,and gender have effects on the different types of memory.
1 病史摘要被鉴定人,女性,40岁,已婚,初中文化.于2008年8月24日与婆婆吵架后用刀将婆婆砍死,因家人反映有精神病史10余年,由当地公安机关送本院进行精神病司法鉴定.被鉴定人2000年出现不愿与人交往,常自语自笑.2001年起在当地精神病院门诊诊治,诊断:精神分裂症,予利培酮2~3mg/d,病情稳定,能从事简单的家务劳动.2008年5月自行停药,渐出现无故哭笑,自语.2008年8月24日与婆婆吵架后便用刀将婆婆砍死在家中.既往无颅脑外伤史,无癫痫、智力低下表现.个性内向,孤僻少语,无特殊嗜好.卷宗材料其家人及周围邻居询问笔录中反映,被鉴定人既往与婆婆无明显的冲突和矛盾,平时能和睦相处.