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Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology 중국림상심리학잡지

  • 主管单位: 中华人民共和国教育部
  • 主办单位: 中国心理卫生协会
  • 影响因子: 1.47
  • 审稿时间: 1-3个月
  • 国际刊号: 1005-3611
  • 国内刊号: 43-1214/R
  • 发行周期: 双月刊
  • 邮发: 42-122
  • 曾用名:
  • 创刊时间: 1993
  • 语言: 英文
  • 编辑单位: 中国临床心理学杂志编辑部
  • 出版地区: 湖南
  • 主编: 姚树桥
  • 类 别: 基础医学
  • 老年妇女心理健康状况调查


    Objective:To understand mental health of el derly women. Methods:12 4 elderly females, aged from 55-81, were assessed on the SCL-90. Resu lts:The sc ores on Compulsion and Anxiety of the SCL-90 were higher for those with age abov e 65 than those below 65. The scores on Somatization, Compulsion, Interpersonal Sensitivity, Anxiety, Depression and Phobia were higher in widows than those in marriage. Conclusion:The mental health of elderly women, espe cially the widows with advancing age, required more attention from the society.

  • 中学生焦虑、抑郁与生活事件和应对方式研究


    Objective: To study anxiety, depression, lif e events and coping styl e of the middle school students. Methods: SAS, SDS, Adoles cent Self-rating Life Events Checklist, and Coping Style Questionnaire were administered to 331 junior middle school students. Results: Prevalence rates for anx iety and depression we re 26.59% and 31.42% respectively. Significant correlations were found between l ife events and SAS scores. Negative coping style was positively correlated with scores on SAS and SDS. Conclusion: Reducing school work lo ad, reduced use of cri ticism and punishment, reduced dependant and negative coping style, and increase d harmonious relationship are important strategies for reducing anxiety and depr ession among middle school students.

  • 医学新生适应能力与家庭环境的关系研究


    Objective:To explore effects of family envi ronment on adaptability of freshmen. Methods: 556 freshmen in three medical colleg es were asked to fill out the General Information Questionnaire, Adaptability Questionnaire and Family Environment Scale (Chinese version). Results: Low positiv e correlation was obta ined between cohesion, active-recreational orientation, achievement orientation, intellectual-cultural orientation, organization and adaptability. Negative corr elations were found between conflict, control and adaptability. Multiple regress ions showed that conflict, organization, active-recreational orientation, contro l, and sex bore significant relationship with adaptability of freshmen. Conclusi on: Family factors play significant roles in influencing the adaptabi lity of freshmen.

  • 41例血液系统疾病患者伴发抑郁情绪的调查


    Objective: To investigate levels of depresse d mood in patients with Hematological disease. Methods: 41 patients with Hematolog ical diseases were ass essed on the SDS and the results were compared with normal control subjects. [ WT5"HZ Res ults: Patients with Hematological diseases scored higher than the nor mal control subjects on depressed mood. Female patients had higher scores than the males. W hen compared to the patients with non-Hematological diseases, there were signifi cant differences in females but not in males. Depressed mood in patients with He matological diseases endorsed significantly more items on active-somatic and spi rit-action than active depressed mood. Conclusion: Medical professions should co nsider the emotional aspects of patients in order to devise a more comprehensive plan for treatment.

  • 692名高等师范生毕业前16PF测评报告


    Objective:To study the personality trait an d mental health status o f Teachers College undergraduates. Methods: 692 undergradu ates of Teachers Colle ge were assessed on the Cattell's 16 Personality Factors Questionnaire (16PF). R esults: ①The total score on mental health for Teachers College Gradu ates was ab ove the average score of 22.②Female graduates had higher scores on intelligence , persistence, and gregariousness but they also scored higher on acting impetuou sly and timidity.③ Undergraduates from the Arts stream scored higher on high-se nsitivity and high-doubtness, whereas those in the science stream showed higher scores on mood stability and comprehensive mental health. Conclusion: Psychologi cal health education should consider sex differences and personality characteris tics of arts and science students.

  • 陆海野战演练陆军官兵心理健康状况调查


    Objective: To investigate the mental healt h status of the soldiers during field training.Methods: A total of 1259 military-men were administered the SCL-90 during field training. Results were compared with the Chinese norms for the army. Results: T he SCL-90 total score was 153.42±43.36. The number of endorsed positive symptom items and the mean score of positive symptom items were 36.32±12.61 and 1.71± 0.35, respectively. The mean factor score were significantly higher when compare d with the Chinese norms for the army (P<0.001). For military men having their f irst field training, the mean factor scores of SCL-90 were remarkably higher tha n the Chinese norms for the army (P<0.001). Conclusion: Ps ychological symptoms of military men were significantly elevated during land and sea field-training.

  • 潜水员防御方式与心身健康的相关性研究


    Objectives:To examine the relationship betw een defense style and me ntal health among divers in the navy. Methods:A total of 414 divers were assess ed in group on the Defense Style Questionnaire (DSQ) and Cornell Medical Index(C MI). Rank correlation coefficient was computed for evaluating relationship betwe en scores on the questionnaires. Results:Defense style of divers was highly cor related with mental health status; divers with poorer mental health condition te nded to adopt immature defense style. Conclusion: Divers' mental health bears significant relationship to their defense style of coping.

  • 初中教师心理健康状况调查分析


    Objective: To investigate the mental health of junior middle school teachers. Methods: 270 junior middle school teachers in Ch enzhou of Hunan Provin ce were administered SCL-90. Results: Two-fifths of subjec ts reported mental sym ptoms in varying degrees. There were significant differences in mental symptoms in respect of age and region. Conclusion: The junior midd le school teachers had different psychological problems.

    关键词: mental health teachers
  • 大学生婚恋观的调查与研究


    Objective: To examine university students' p erspectives on the value of marriage and love,to establish their commonly held judgments,and to prov id e an objective and reliable documentation. Methods: 332 un iversity students from four universities were interviewed and asked to complete an examination paper; SPSS 9.0 software was used for quantitative and qualitative statistical analysis . Results: University students placed a greater emphasis o n inner personal quali ties, and less emphasis on outward appearance when choosing a marriage partner. They attached less importance to virginity when choosing a partner. They also tended to have a different outlook on marriage and love according to their gende r. They did not agree with having sex before marriage. Conclusion:[ WT5"BZ University s tudents' outlook towards marriage and love is both positive and healthy. Diffe rent values, judgments, and standards exist among students.

  • 维吾尔族、汉族初中毕业生考前心理状态的调查与分析


    Objective: To compare the mental health stat es of Uygur and Han stud ents in Urumqi one month before examinations. Results: The SCL-90 were administe red. Except for the Somatization subscale, all the subscale scores of SCL-90 of Uygur students were significantly lower than respective scores of the Han studen ts (P<0.01-0.001). The scores of Han students were higher than norms of the dome stic youth group. Conclusions: In facing with examination, the mental health of Uygur students is better the Han students. This may be related to ethnic charact eristics, regional policy, and social support system.

  • 父母教育方式与儿童气质关系的研究


    Objective: To explore the relationship between temperament and parents' educational mode to provide theoretically basis for a pplying to the educational mode to suit the instructio n to the student's level. Methods: 1000 normal children aged 3-7 were measured by NY LS 300 of them, namely, the difficult temperamental, intermediate and easy temperamental ones, were chosen accordingly in proportion to 1:1:2 parental educational mode was assessed according to Yue Dongmei's research resu lts (EMBU). Results: Solicitation and understanding factors of parents with easy temperamental childr en scored much higher than those with difficult and intermediate ones(p<0.05);the influence of mot her's solicition and understanding and father's transition interference with girls was very obvious; father's attitude was also quite different towards girls or boys, that is, fathers were more satisfied with children with easy temperament and were rather reluctant to accept those with difficult temperament . Multivariate analysis also showed that father's attitude toward girls was one of the factors affecting temperament, while mother's, showed no difference. In general, parents were more concerned about, or show ed more boys with different temperamental types was not so obvious as that to girls. Co nclusion: Parents educational mode affects the formation of children's temperament.

  • 慢性乙肝和肝硬变病人的心理健康状况调查


    Objective: To explore significant psychologi cal factors and their ro les in the course of illness from chronic hepatitis B to hepatocirrhosis; to exa mine the relationship between coping styles and psychosomatic symptoms in hepati tis B patients and posthepatitic cirrhosis patients. Methods: 30 chronic hepati tis B patients and 30 posthepatitic cirrhosis patients were assessed with the Me dical Coping Method Questionnaires (MCMQ), EPQ and SCL-90. Results: There were significant differences between the two groups in psychosomatic symptoms and cop ing styles, while no reliable difference was found in personality features. Post hepatitic cirrhosis patients reported more psychosomatic symptoms than hepatitis B patients. Negative coping styles, such as resignation, was found to produce significant effect. Conclusion: Negative coping style exe rts significant effect in the illness progression from chronic hepatitis B to hepatocirrhosis. Therefo re, psychological support should be provided for chronic hepatitis B patients an d posthepatitic cirrhosis patients.

  • 家庭经济收入对大学生主观幸福感的影响


    Objective: To explore effects of family inco me on subjective well- being of college students. Methods: 200 college students i n Guangzhou completed the International College Survey Questionnaire. Results: 1 ) Family income was co rrelated with life satisfaction,subjective well-being and negative emotions. 2) Subjective well-being was mainly determined by positive emotions, negative emot ions and life satisfaction but not economic income. Conclusion: Family income has some effect on subjective well-being of college students .

  • 大学生学习过程中的自我监控和学习成绩的关系


    Objective: To investigate factors contributi ng to poor academic perf ormance in college students, as well as methods for improving learning performan ce. Methods: 2 groups of college students (good learners a nd poor learners) were assessed by the modified Learning Self-supervising Questionnaire(revised for c ollege students)for comparison. Results:The good learner s had higher scores th an poor learners on planning, aiming, general strategies using in studying, meth ods of listening in class, methods of exercising after class, method of reviewin g, executing, feedback remedying, and summarizing. Conclusion: There is a close relationship between self-supervision and learning performance. To improve learn ing performances, it is crucial to enhance self-supervision.

  • 精神分裂症患者的HR神经心理测验结果与分析


    Objective:To examine neuropsychological fun ctions in a group of sch izophrenic patients. Methods:The patients were assessed b y the Halstead-Reitan neuropsychological Battery (HRB). Results:Nearly 3/4 pat ients did not show any significant sign of brain damage. The performances on TPT localization、sensory memory, and speech function were poor in patients who suffered from mild brain damage. Level of brain damage was not related to duration of illness and drug do sage. However, results of the neuropsychological functioning may be affected by drugs taken by patients. Conclusion:Global impairment in neuropsychological fun ctioning was not found in most of the patients. However, mild impairment in the sensory memory and sound discrimination functions were noted.

  • 精神运动性癫痫儿童社会适应能力及行为问题的研究


    Objective:To evaluate social adaptation abi lity and behavior proble ms of the psychomotor epilepsy children. Methods:63 child ren with psychomotor e pilepsy and 63 normal control subjects were examined. Results: Social adaptation ability of the psychomotor epilepsy children was lower than that of the normal children(P<0.01~0.05). There was no significant difference in the total scor es on behavior problems between the two groups. Conclusions :For the benefits o f the psychomotor epilepsy children, it is essential to consider both physical a nd psychological interventions.

  • 青少年心理疾病与家庭养育方式的关系


    Objectives : To explore the relationship of psychological distress and familial rearing methods in adolescents. Methods: The mental status and fami lial rearing patterns of 40 students with psychological distress and 40 health s tudents were evaluated with SCL-90 and EMBU. Results: Sign ificant difference was detected in the scores of the two groups on the SCL-90 and EMBU. Con clusion: In appropriate methods of rearing, such as lack of emotional warmth and understandi ng, severe punishment, rejection, undue protection, are important contributing f actor to psychological distress in adolescents.

  • 氟哌啶醇与利培酮对精神分裂症患者生活质量的影响


    Objective: To compare the effects between ha loperidol and rieperidon e on quality of life in patients with schizophrenia. Methods: The patients with schizophrenia treated respectively by haloperidol and risperidone were compared by double blind method. The General Quality of Life Inventory (GQOLI) was used to evaluate the life quality, while the Positive and Negative Symptoms Scale (PA NSS) and the Treatment Emergent Symptom Scale (TESS) were used to assess the eff icacy and side effects. Results: The risperidone group sho wed better effects tha n the haloperidol group in the domains of physical function ,mental health and s ocial function The difference was significant (P<0.01). Conclusion:[ WT5"BZ The quality of life of Schizophrenic patients treated by haloperidol were poorer than that o f risperidone.

  • 儿童情绪与哮喘病情的关系及对IL-8的影响


    Objective: To examine the emotional states o f asthmatic children wit h different degrees of severity, as well as the effects of emotion on change of cytokines in airway. Methods: Asthmatic children were divi ded into two groups ac cording to the degrees of severity: moderate and mild. Their emotional states we re measured and results were compared. Correlation analysis was conducted betwee n scores on emotional scales and sputum levels of IL-8.Results: Total scores on anxiety and depression were higher in the moderate group than in the mild group. Negative correlation was found between levels of anxiety and IL-8 during acute exacerbation of asthmatic condition. Conclusion: Emotional distress was found to be increased with severity of asthmatic condition in children. Anxiety contribu ted to the decreased concentration of IL-8 in asthmatic children's airway.

  • K校正分对不同精神障碍患者MMPI测图的影响


    Objective: To explore the effect of K corre ction on the profile of MMPI in different mentally disordered patients.Methods: First,analyze the cor relation of the five basic scales with and without k score.Second,compare mean s of T scores of five basic scales in schizophrenia group(n=110),affective di sorder group(n=106),neurosis group (n=36)and control group(n=64).Final ly ,explore the effect of K score on T scores of the five basic scales in the thre e experimental groups and normal group. Results: The mea n of the five basic sc ales in schizophrenia group were significantly higher than those T scores withou t adding K score.In the affective disorder group Hs,Pt and Sc were significant ly altered.In theneurosis group ,Sc and Ma were significantly altered.Only Hs was significantly altered in the control group.When K was lower or higher level,T scores of thr ee experimental groups and normal group were significantly affected. When K was moderate in magnitude,only Hs,Pd and Sc were significantly changed. Conc lusion: In clinical applications, the addition of K score has positi ve values.

  • 不同时段睡眠剥夺对大鼠脑内c-fos表达的影响


    目的:探索睡眠剥夺的脑机制.方法:该研究采用小平台水环境法建立大鼠睡眠剥夺模型,用fos蛋白免疫组化的方法测量脑中fos蛋白的表达,分组为白天睡眠剥夺12h组、夜晚睡眠剥夺12小时组、大平台对照组和正常单独饲养组,每组4只.结果: 睡眠剥夺使f os蛋白在皮层的广泛区域表达,脑干中同异相睡眠有关的区域有较高表达,同夜晚睡眠剥夺 12小时相比,白天睡眠剥夺12小时在视交叉上核同生物节律有关的区域表达.结论:睡眠节律改变可影响脑内fos蛋白表达.

  • 皮层下结构卒中后听觉词语记忆损害研究


    目的:分析常见皮层下部卒中后听觉词语记忆障碍的差异 .方法:选择具有单一的内囊-基底节、丘脑、小脑和脑桥卒中病灶的患者83例与正常对照组25例.采用听觉词语回忆测验与简易智能检查量表进行评定.结果:1.所有卒中组别与正常对照组比较在听觉词语即刻和延迟回忆正确数上均有显著差异;2.丘脑左侧卒中后概念记忆差,回忆错误数多, 提示丘脑左侧卒中后记忆障碍是因为长时语义网络结构受到严重破坏;3.基底节、小脑和脑桥组卒后主观组织能力等编码指标明显受损,提示其记忆障碍可能是注意力减退的结果.[ HT5"H 结论:内囊-基底节、丘脑、小脑和脑桥卒中后均有记忆缺损,但其缺损的内在编码形式不同,并具有相对特异性.

  • 瑞美隆与氟西汀治疗抑郁症的临床及心理学评价


    目的:验证瑞美隆(米他扎品)治疗抑郁症的有效性和安全性. 方法:采用DSM-IV(296.2或296.3)抑郁症的诊断标准,共有34 例符合入组/排除标准.进行为期6周的瑞美隆每天口服1次30mg或氟西汀每天口服1次20mg的治疗.采用HAMD、CGI评定疗效. 采用TESS、体检及实验室检查评价安全性.结果:经过6周治疗,瑞美隆组和氟西汀组的有效率分别为88.24%和82.35%,治愈率分别为64.71%和41.18%,两组间有效率和治愈率差异无显著性. 瑞美隆和氟西汀组的HAMD量表总分分别由治疗前34.24±8.79分和32.47±5.43分下降至治疗后的9 .65±10.95分和9.88±6.26分,两组治疗后各周与治疗前比较差异有显著性,两组间差异无显著性. 在治疗后第7、14、28天瑞美隆组HAMD量表睡眠紊乱分的减分较氟西汀组明显.瑞美隆组的主要不良反应是眩晕/头昏、体重增加、疲乏、腹部不适、头痛.氟西汀组的主要不良反应是呕吐/恶心、体重增加、头痛.结论:瑞美隆是一种安全、有效的新型抗抑郁药物.具有抗抑郁和抗焦虑作用,且有一定改善睡眠作用.

  • 晚期癌症患者焦虑抑郁及相关因素的研究


    目的:探讨晚期癌症患者的焦虑抑郁及相关因素,以指导心理干预,提高生存质量.方法:选用焦虑自评量表(SAS)和抑郁自评量表(SDS) 评价病人的情绪障碍.采用卡氏功能量表(KPS)、疼痛问卷(VRS)、医学应对问卷(MCMQ)、社会支持量表及照顾者S-AI总分、照顾者SDS评分等作为相关因素,对102例晚期癌症病人进行评定.结果:晚期癌症病人SAS、SDS评分明显高于常模;多元回归分析显示:SAS评分与年龄、回避、支持利用负相关,与疼痛程度、照顾者S-AI总分正相关;SDS评分与KPS评分、回避、支持利用、主观支持负相关,与屈服、疼痛程度及照顾者S-AI总分正相关.结论:晚期癌症患者存在明显的焦虑抑郁,并受多种因素影响,应有针对性地给予心理帮助和指导.

  • 精神分裂症患者血清锌、铜及急性期反应蛋白水平的变化


    目的:探讨精神分裂症是否伴有血清微量元素锌、铜水平的异常,及其与急性期反应的关系.方法:分别采用原子吸收光谱法、散射速率比浊法测定了42 例健康对照及67 例精神分裂症患者治疗前后的血清锌、铜和结合珠蛋白(Hp)、转铁蛋白(Tf)水平.结果:精神分裂症组急性期血清Zn、Tf水平显著低于健康对照组,Cu、Hp水平显著高于健康对照组;精神分裂症组血清Zn、Cu 和Hp 、Tf水平在缓解期(治疗6周后)均恢复至与对照组相接近的水平;精神分裂症组血清Zn与Hp水平显著负相关,Cu与Hp无显著相关;未发现 BPRS评分与血清Zn、Cu或 Hp、Tf水平之间存在明显相关关系.结论:精神分裂症急性期伴有血清微量元素Zn、Cu水平的改变,这种改变可能是与急性期反应有关的非特异性状态改变.

  • 脑肿瘤患者认知功能障碍的初步研究


    目的:探索脑肿瘤患者认知功能障碍的特点.方法:采用CLB测验对31 例左侧大脑肿瘤患者、34例右侧大脑肿瘤患者及正常对照组进行测验.结果:(1)左侧大脑脑肿瘤组四项语言-序贯能力测验成绩明显低于对照组(P<0.05),四项空间认知能力成绩无明显差别( P>0.05),病例组CLQ为正值,表明右半球信息加工能力无明显损害;(2)右侧大脑脑肿瘤组四项空间认知能力测验成绩明显低于对照组(P<0.05),四项语言-序贯能力测验成绩中系列数字、偏旁组字、类别组词与对照组间无明显差异(P>0.05),系列声音测验成绩有明显差异(P <0.05),病例组CLQ为负值,表明左半球信息加工能力基本正常.结论:CLB可以对脑肿瘤患者认知功能障碍进行量化,是一种评估左右侧大脑肿瘤患者认知功能障碍的有效方法.

  • 中小学教师的职业压力应对策略与其人格特征的关系研究



  • 注意缺陷多动障碍儿童持续性注意测验的对照研究


    目的:了解不同持续性注意测验对注意缺陷多动障碍儿童注意障碍的评定.方法 :符合DSM-Ⅳ注意缺陷多动障碍的113名男性儿童与83名正常对照儿童分别采用视觉单目标持续性注意测验、视觉连续目标持续性注意测验和听觉持续性注意测验进行对照研究.结果: 混合型儿童的视觉单目标持续性注意测验的击中率低于对照组,听觉持续注意测验的ADHD各亚型的击中率、d'值、β值均低于对照组儿童,ADHD各亚型的虚报率高于对照组.结论: ADHD各亚型儿童存在明显的听觉持续性注意能力损害.

  • 睡眠剥夺对大鼠一氧化氮和一氧化氮合酶的影响


    目的:探讨睡眠剥夺对大鼠脑组织一氧化氮(NO)及一氧化氮合酶(NOS)影响.方法:采用小平台水环境法(Flower Pot)制作大鼠睡眠剥夺模型,采用化学法和酶法观察不同时间睡眠剥夺后大鼠额叶、海马、中脑和下丘脑NO含量及NOS活性变化.结果 :与正常对照组及大平台组比较,大鼠在SD后额叶和海马的NO含量及NOS活性增高,有显著性差异(P<0.01 ~0.05),其余脑区无显著性差异(P>0.05).随着剥夺时间的延长,额叶和海马NO含量及NOS 活性增高更加明显.结论:睡眠剥夺可致NO及NOS升高,可能与其学习障碍有关,NO可能参与大鼠的睡眠调节.

  • 伪装与非伪装脑外伤患者瑞文标准推理测验结果分析


    目的:探讨瑞文标准推理测验对受试者成绩真实性的评估价值.方法:比较分析伪装与非伪装两组脑外伤患者瑞文测验的五个分测验分、总分及测验斜率的复相关系数的差异及其特征.结果:①两组患者A、B、C、D四个分测验及总分的均数差异均有显著性;分测验E差异无显著性 .②以P<0.05为水准,伪装组中测验斜率值(R2)<0.648者显著多于非伪装者; 而非伪装组中测验斜率值≥0.648者显著多于伪装者.结论:瑞文标准推理测验各分测验成绩的梯度变化及斜率值的显著水准对受试成绩真实性评估有一定的参考价值.

  • 颞叶癫痫患者记忆损害的研究


    Objective: This paper reviewed recent resear ch on memory impairments in temporal lobe epilepsy patients, including clinical features of spatial, ver bal, visual and semantic memory disorders, as well as their mechanisms and clini cal significance.

  • 人类外显记忆脑机制研究进展


    The fMRI and ERPs have played important role s in understanding neura l mechanisms of human memory. Recent studies have revealed that distinct regions in medial temporal and prefrontal areas exhibit more neural activity during suc cessful than unsuccessful memory formation. The results from different studies s uggest that relational and non-relational memories are mediated by distinct sub- regions in medial temporal and prefrontal cortex and there are extensive interac tions between them in a parallel and bi-directional fashions. Emotionally arousi ng events enhance neural activity in amygdala, which in turn may modulate proces sing in other brain regions responsible for declarative memory formation.

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