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王振军;严仲瑜;万远廉;郭彦彦;徐文怀;XU Wen-huai

摘要: Objective: To screen LKB1 mutation in sporadic colon and ovarian tumors. Methods: Using PCR-SSCP analysis, 72 colon cancer, 45 ovarian cancer, 14 granulosa cell tumor were screened for LKB1 mutation. Results: no mutation was in sporadic colon and ovarian adenocarcinomas. Two mutations were detected in one of the granulosa cell tumors: a mis-sense mutation affecting the putative start codon (ATG?ACG, MIT); and a silent change in erxon 7 (CTT?CTA, leucine). Conclusion: LKB1 mutations in sporadic colon and ovarian cancers are rare event and LKB1 is not the target gene lost on chromosome 19p13.3 in ovarian cancers.

  • 作者:曾慧兰;李建勇;朱康儿;薛永权;李杨秋;刘晓力;过宇

    Objective: To evaluate the significance of two-color interphase fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) using X and Y centromere probe in the engraftment estimation and minimal residual disease (MRD) monitoring after allogeneic stem cell transplantation (alloSCT). Methods: Samples from 12 cases patients in different periods after alloSCT were detected by interphase FISH. Results: All of the 12 patients were proved to obtain engraftment 22(35 days after alloSCT. While traditional karyotype showed as 100%XX or 100%XY invariably, FISH showed different percentages of donor original sex chromosome. Conclusion: Two-color interphase FISH is a more sensitive and simple test for engraftment evaluation and MRD monitoring post SCT, though, it can not entirely replace traditional karyotype analysis and gene detection by RT-PCR.

  • 作者:方志俊;黄文秀;黄明辉;梁润松;崔景荣;王夔;杨梦苏

    Objective: Ajoene, a major compound extracted from crashed garlic, has been shown to have antitumor, antimycotic, antimicrobial, antimutagenic functions in vivo or in vitro and treated as a potential antitumor drug. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying the tumor cytotoxicity of ajoene and even garlic substances are poorly defined. In the present study, we aimed to generate gene expression profiles of HL-60 cell treated by ajoene. Methods: A cDNA microarray presenting 2400 of genes amplified from human leukocyte cDNA library was constructed and the gene expression profiles of HL-60 cell induced by ajoene were generated. Results: After data analysis, 28 differentially expressed genes were identified and sequenced. These genes include 21 known genes and 7 ESTs. Most of the known genes are related to cell apoptosis, such as secretory granule (PRG1), beta-2 microglobulin (B2M), 16S ribosomal RNA gene and ribosomal protein S12. Several genes are related to cell differentiation, including the genes similar to H3 histone and ribosomal protein L31. Northern blot analysis was used to verify and quantify the expression of selected genes. Conclusion: Ajoene can induce HL-60 cell apoptosis significantly and may play a role in differentiation. cDNA microarray technology can be a valuable tool to gain insight into molecular events of pharmacological mechanism of herbal medicine.

  • 作者:王建华;陈诗书

    Objective: To compare the differential expression of mRNA between MKN-28 (highly differentiated) and MKN-45 (poorly differentiated) gastric adenocarcinoma cells and identify genes involved in human gastric adenocarcinoma differentiation. Methods: Differential expression of mRNA between MKN-28 and MKN-45 adenocarcinoma cells was investigated by fluorescent differential display (FDD). Differentially expressed cDNA was analyzed by bio-informatics and confirmed by RT-PCR and Northern-blot. Results: 45 differential fragments were finally attained. One of them (No. 10) was an approximate 750 bp cDNA and highly up-regulated in MKN-45 cells as compared with MKN-28 cells. By using Blastn and UniGene database analysis, we found the fragment was mapped to chromosome 14q11.2(q12 and showed a significant homology to Bcl-2 binding protein gene (BNip3), which was recently identified encoding pro-apoptosis protein located in mitochondrial. Conclusion: The BNip3 induced apoptosis could be suppressed by interacting with bcl-2. The BNip3 gene in tumor cells might be up-regulated by the hypoxia response element through the HIF1a transcription factor, causing death of the hypoxic cells at the center of the tumor where vascularization is usually poor in the process of tumor development.

  • 作者:朱广迎;刘德林;王绪;彭猛青;刘惠;沈万华;张海舟;王伟;陈杰

    Objective: To detect of lung cancer micrometastases in peripheral blood and regional lymphatic nodes by using lunx mRNA specific reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Methods: RT-PCR was used to detect lunx mRNA in peripheral blood of 26 patients with lung cancer. We also detected 44 regional lymphatic nodes obtained from 25 patients with lung cancer who underwent curative lobectomy. All the 44 regional lymphatic nodes were also examined by histopathology. Micrometastatic tumor cells in the peripheral blood and regional lymphatic nodes were semiquantitatively determined with the ratio of lunx band intensity to the glyceraldehydes-3-phosphate dehydrogenase band intensity. Results: The positive detection rate of lunx mRNA in peripheral blood for non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and small cell lung cancer (SCLC) patients were 60% (12/20) and 67% (4/6) respectively. 16 (36.4%) of regional lymphatic nodes from 44 lung cancer patients were positive by RT-PCR while 6 (13.6%) were positive by histopathology (x2=6.06, P=0.014). However, no blood samples and lymphatic nodes from patients with benign pulmonary diseases or normal volunteers were positive for lunx mRNA. The positive detection rate of lunx mRNA in bone marrow of NSCLC amd SCLC patients were 65% (13/20) and 67% (4/6) respectively. Conclusion: RT-PCR amplification of lunx mRNA is an sensitive and specific means to detect early haematogenous and regional lymphatic nodes dissemination of cancer cells for patients with lung cancer.

  • 作者:王湘辉;藤本敏博;张滨;磨伊正义;柴福录

    Objective: To investigate the antitumor mechanisms of the streptococcal preparation OK-432. Methods: Using C57BL/6 mouse bearing B16 melanoma, we observed the antitumor activity of OK-432 and investigated the effect of OK-432 on multi-cytokine (IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, IL-10, IL-12, IFN-() production of mouse splenocyte both in vitro and in vivo. Results: As compared with control, OK-432 significantly inhibited B16 melanoma growth and lengthened mice survival time (P<0.05). In vitro OK-432 could stimulate splenocyte from tumor bearing mice to secrete IL-6, IL-12, IFN-( and IL-10 remarkably (P<0.01). In vivo OK-432 led to the increased production of IL-2, IL-12 and IFN-( but decreased production of IL-10 (P<0.05). When the splenocytes harvested from OK-432 treated mice were stimulated with OK-432 again in vitro, the production of IFN-( increased and IL-10 decreased significantly (P<0.05). Conclusion: OK-432 could boost multiple cytokines production, especially IL-12 which skewed T cells in a Th1 dominant state and enhanced the host antitumor activities.

  • 作者:黄慧强;姜文奇;何友兼;孙晓非;刘冬耕;徐瑞华;张力;周中梅;林桐榆;李宇红;管忠震

    Objective: High dose chemotherapy supported by autologous hematopoietic stem cells transplantation (AHSCT) has developed dramaticly in recent years and become the most effective approach to improve radical treatment for the chemo-sensitive lymphoma. The purposes of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and tolerance of preparative regimen BEAC and hematopoietic reconsti- tution after high dose chemotherapy in Chinese patients with advanced and recurrent lymphoma. Methods: After confirmed complete or partial remission from conventional chemotherapy, 24 patients with advanced or recurrent lymphoma including 1 recurrent HD and 23 NHL, 16 male and 8 female with median age of 29 (13(50) years, were enrolled into this study and treated by BEAC regimen (CTX 3600(4000 mg/m2, VP-16 1200 mg/m2. BCNU 300 mg/m2 and Ara-C 1500(2000 mg/m2). 3 patients were supported by ABMT and 21 by APBSCT. Mobilization regimen for APBSCT was CTX 3500 mg/m2 + G-CSF 3.5(5 (g/kg + Dexamethasone 10 mg. Autologous hematopoietic stem cells was re-infused 24(48 h after completion of high dose chemotherapy. Results: MNC 1.3 (1.0(1.7) (108/kg and MNC 1.8 (1.0(4.4) (108, CFU-GM 5.1 (1.9(9.6) (105/kg plus CD34 + cells 2.9 (1.9(8.7) (106/kg were re-infused in the ABMT group and APBSCT group respectively. All patients obtained prompt and sustained hematopoietic reconstitution. ANC (0.5 (109/L and Pt (2.0 (109/L were at day 9 (6(17) and day 10 (0(31) respectively. 16 patients were alive with median 21 (2(69) months follow-up till end of May, 2001. 1, 2 and 3 years survival rate were 60.5%, 50.1% and 50.1%, respectively. Non-hematologic toxicity was mild and tolerable. Conclusions: High dose chemotherapy supported by AHSCT in the treatment of previously-untreated poor- prognostic and recurrent lymphoma was a safe and effective modality. Further investigation was warranted.

  • 作者:范保星;张开泰;李刚;谢玲;马淑华;葛世丽;项小琼;胡迎春;王升启;周平坤;吴德昌

    Objective: To detect the expression difference of 60 lung cancer associated genes in human bronchial epithelial malignant transformation cell model (BEP2D) induced by alpha-particles. Methods: 60 lung cancer associated genes were collected and micro-arrayed onto the microscope slides using Cartesian PixSys5500 cDNA Microarray machine. Total RNA from BEP2D cells and passage 20 (Rl5H-20), passage 35 (R15H-35) cells derived from BEP2D following 1.5 Gy alpha-particles was extracted and labeled by fluorescent dye. The labeled probe was then hybridized with the cDNA. Results: 40, 47, 20 genes were detected in BEP2D, R15H-20 and R15H-35 respectively. The expression level of tumor suppressor genes decreased greatly in the transformed R15H-35. Most oncogenes decreased slightly in R15H-20. Most growth factors expressed only in R15H-20. Conclusion: In human bronchial epithelial malignant transformed cell model generated by alpha-particles, the loss-function of tumor suppressor genes at initiation stage was dominant, some related oncogenes and growth factors promoted the malignant transformation.

  • 作者:李贺书;李殿俊;刘旭;李大林

    Objective: To observe the mutagenicity of retrovirus and adenovirus as transgenic vectors to evaluate the safety of transgenic tumor cells as tumor vaccines. Methods: Cells were cultured together with the virus. Then DNA and supernatant were tested for mutagenicity by means of genetic toxicological laboratory technique. Results: The results indicated that DNA and supernatant of transgenic cells had no mutagenicity through both in vivo and in vitro tests. Conclusion: The modified virus had no mutagenicity as a transgenic vector.

  • 作者:李虹;韩为农;张玲;冯湘玲;姚开泰

    Objective: To compare gene expression profiles of nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) tissue with that of control tissue by cDNA Array and to discuss possible reasons of TP53 accumulation in NPC tissue. Methods: (1) hybridization of Atlas Human Cancer cDNA Expression Array 7742-1; (2) analysis of Atlas Arrays using Atlasimage 1.01a; (3) verification of results of array by RT-PCR; (4) verification of protein expression alterations by immuno- histochemistry. Results: (1) Of 588 tumor-related genes, 134 genes were upregulated, 88 downregulated; (2) Of 32 TP53-regulated genes, 13 genes were shown differential expression, 11 upregulated, 2 downregulated; (3) ATM and JNK2 were upregulated; (4) mRNA expression of ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2 (M74524) and ubiquitin- conjugating enzyme E2 (L22005) has no evident changes; Conclusion: (1) TP53 dysfunction exists in NPC tissues; (2) ATM and JNK might be the important causes of TP53 accumulation.

  • 作者:汪进;黄明辉;曾志雄;方宏勋;杨梦苏

    Objective: A single mechanistic pathway cannot explain the genesis of drug resistance in cancer. Drug resistance in cancer is a major obstacle to successful chemotherapy. KB cells provide a useful starting point for selection of the multidrug resistant (MDR) cell lines. Methods: We used cDNA microarrays containing 12,720 sequences of known genes, expressed sequence tags and unknown clones to monitor gene expression profiles in MDR KB cells. Results: Preliminary data analysis showed that 18 genes were up-regulated and 18 genes were down-regulated by comparison of expression patterns between KB 3-1 and MDR KB-V1 cells. Furthermore, the highly over-expressed CGA, CLU genes in MDR KB-V1 cell were verified with conventional Northern blot analysis. These genes contain information predictive of drug resistance of cancer cells. Conclusion: Our study demonstrates that genome-wide gene expression profiling by using cDNA microarray technique is a valuable approach in obtaining molecular mechanism of drug resistance in cancer cells.