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中国汉人 X染色体上情感障碍易感性基因的遗传学研究及关联分析
Objective In order to detect the Susceptible gene on X chromosome for Han nationality of Chinese who suffer from affective disorder(AD),to explore the association between DXS1114 polymorphism and AD and the feature of genetics.Method We used the technique of the amplified fragment length polymorphism(Amp FLP)to detect the polymorphism distribution of DXS1114 for 40 patients with AD and 40 normal controls.Results We found that there were 4 polymorphism fragments of DXS1114 on the γ -chromosome in AD and normal controls.The result of statistics showed that four polymorphism fragments(117bp.113bp.111bp 109bp)had not significant difference(P>0.05)between patients and normal controls.Conclusion We report that the DXS1114 is not associated with Chinese who suffer from AD.The results indicate that there maybe no a susceptible gene of AD on xq26.1 in our research simples.