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  • 作者:徐海林;姜保国;张殿英;付忠国;张宏波

    Objective: To study the effect of compound injectionof Radix Hedysari on peripheral nerve regeneration in rats.Methods: Seventy-five healthy adult SD male rats,weighing 150 g, were randomized into 5 groups (15 rats ineach group). The bilateral sciatic nerves of the rats wereexposed and clamped with a smooth clamp to make aninjury area of 2 mm. After clamp operation Group 1 wasinjected with compound injection of radix Hedysari (CIRH)1.5 ml/day, Group 2 with CIRH 1.0 md/day, Group 3 withCIRH 0.5 ml/day, Group 4 with nerve growth factor(NGF) 50 U/day, and Group 5 was taken as the controlgroup without any management. The bilateral sciatic nervewas taken out at 3 days, 1, 2 and 4 weeks after clamping,stained with osmic acid and observed microscopically. Themyelinated nerve fibers were counted. The nerveconduction velocity was determined 2 and and 4 weeksbefore sample taking the sciatic nerve function index wasmeasured 4 weeks before sample taking.Results: The results of nerve conduction velocity, themyelinated nerve fiber count and the sciatic functuion indexin the CIRH treated groups were better than those in thecontrol group. The results of the nerve conduction velocityand the myelinated nerve fiber count at 2 weeks and thenerve conduction velocity at 4 weeks in Group 1 were betterthan those of Group 4. Biological observation showed thatdegenerated and necrotic myelin sheath in CIRH treatedGroups at 2 and 4 weeks decreased remarkably compared to the NGF treated group.ConcIusions: CIRH can promote regeneration ofperipheral nerves and absorption of degenerated andnecrotic injured nerves. It has the same effect as NGF.