  • 学术期刊
  • 文献
  • 百科

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    Previous studies show that chronic acrylamide exposure leads to central and peripheral neu-ropathy. However, the underlying mechanisms remained unclear. In this study, we examined the permeability of the blood-cerebrospinal lfuid barrier, and its ability to secrete transthyretin and transport leptin of rats exposed to acrylamide for 7, 14, 21 or 28 days. Transthyretin levels in cerebrospinal lfuid began to decline on day 7 after acrylamide exposure. The sodium lfuorescein level in cerebrospinal lfuid was increased on day 14 after exposure. Evans blue concentration in cerebrospinal lfuid was increased and the cerebrospinal lfuid/serum leptin ratio was decreased on days 21 and 28 after exposure. In comparison, the cerebrospinal lfuid/serum albumin ratio was increased on day 28 after exposure. Our ifndings show that acrylamide exposure damages the blood-cerebrospinal lfuid barrier and impairs secretory and transport functions. These changes may underlie acrylamide-induced neurotoxicity.