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    Eat more‘green’ or eat‘ifve a day’ is one of the most important healthy lifestyle behaviours in the 21 century. Aiming to ifght cancer effectively, more than half patients use vitamins or herbs concurrently with conventional anticancer treatment. Flavonoids or polyphenols existing in vegetables, fruits and green tea are common plant pigments with antioxidant properties and considered acting as cancer preventing or anti-cancer agents. Recently it was found that some lfavonoids and vitamin C in diet or supplements have antagonistic effect with the anti-cancer drug bortezomib. Bortezomib is a speciifc inhibitor for proteasome and is currently used for treatment of relapsed and refractory multiple myeloma. Despite its successful rates in treating multiple myeloma and other solid tumors, it is unable to kill leukemic cells in the blood. It was recently revealed that some lfavonoids and vitamin C present in green leaves and green teas in the blood can neutralize bortezomib by directly interaction between two chemicals. Here we summarize why dietary lfavonoids should be avoided in patients who take bortezomib as chemotherapeutic drug.

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    Objective: In recent years, oxidative stress has been implicated in a variety °enerative pro-cess and diseases, including acute and chronic inflamma-tory conditions such as wound healing.Green tea polyphe-nols have shown anti-oxidant property.The present study discussed the application of chitosan green tea polyphenol complex on the wound healing.Methods: The wound healing effect ofchitosan green tea polyphenol complex was studied in ten-week-old healthy male Sherman rats weighing 150-180 g by two wound models.The rats were randomly chosen and divided into four groups (n=5), administered with distilled water in Group A as con-trol group, epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) in Group B, chitosan-EGCG complex in Group C and chitosan-green tea polyphenols complex in Group D, respectively.In rats'incision wound model, two straight paravertebral inci-sions were made and skin tensile strength was measured using continuous water flow technology on the 10th day.In rats'excision wound model, wound contraction and pe-riod of epithelization were measured.The polyphenols re-lease from the complex was continuously monitored by an elution technique in aqueous solution at different pH val-ues (pH=4, 5, 6, 7).Results: The treatment groups showed significantly enhanced the breaking strength in incision wound (328±4.5) g and (421±18.5) g compared with control (264±16.7) g.In the excision wound model, the wound contraction percentage in treatment groups was relatively increased during the re-covery period.Respectively, the percentage of wound contraction ranged from 47.60%±2.15% on day 4 to 107.98% ±1.26% on day 16 compared with control group (8.46%±5.42% to 59.80%±4.47%).The complex demonstrated a gradual in-crease in the release rate from the initial stage and slow increase at different pH values.The release rate approxi-mated 0.6-0.7 in the complex and remained stable 6 hours after injury, which may be the end of the release process.Conclusions: In our study, chitosan polyphenol com-plex has enhanced the healing of incision wounds by in-creasing the breaking strength of the wounds.In excision wound model, the complex hastens the period of epithelialization.The study on the optimal release of com-plex among various pH values could be applied in the wound test, which can lead to a gradually active substance (polyphenols) release and efficient coverage of epithelial layers found in the healing of incision and excision wound.