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Journal of Integrative Medicine

  • 主管单位: 上海市卫生局
  • 主办单位: 上海市中西医结合学会;上海长海医院
  • 影响因子: 0.71
  • 审稿时间:
  • 国际刊号: 2095-4964
  • 国内刊号: 31-2083/R
  • 发行周期:
  • 邮发: 4-884
  • 曾用名: 中西医结合学报
  • 创刊时间: 2003
  • 语言: 英文
  • 编辑单位: 《中西医结合学报》杂志社
  • 出版地区:
  • 主编: 赵伟康
  • 类 别:
  • 作者:

    BACKGROUND:Musicians are frequently affected by playing-related musculoskeletal disorders (PRMD). Common solutions used by Western medicine to treat musculoskeletal pain include rehabilitation programs and drugs, but their results are sometimes disappointing.
    OBJECTIVE:To study the effects of self-administered exercises based on Tuina techniques on the pain intensity caused by PRMD of professional orchestra musicians, using numeric visual scale (NVS).
    DESIGN, SETTING, PARTICIPANTS AND INTERVENTIONS: We performed a prospective, controled, single-blinded, randomized study with musicians suffering from PRMD. Participating musicians were randomly distributed into the experimental (n= 39) and the control (n= 30) groups. After an individual diagnostic assessment, speciifc Tuina self-administered exercises were developed and taught to the participants. Musicians were instructed to repeat the exercises every day for 3 weeks.
    MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Pain intensity was measured by NVS before the intervention and after 1, 3, 5, 10, 15 and 20 d of treatment. The procedure was the same for the control group, however the Tuina exercises were executed in points away from the commonly-used acupuncture points.
    RESULTS: In the treatment group, but not the control group, pain intensity was signiifcantly reduced on days 1, 3, 5, 10, 15 and 20.
    CONCLUSION: The results obtained are consistent with the hypothesis that self-administered exercises based on Tuina techniques could help professional musicians controling the pain caused by PRMD. Although our results are very promising, further studies are needed employing a larger sample size and double blinding designs.

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    OBJECTIVE:There is increasing interest in complementary and alternative medicine generaly, and especialy by those affected by chronic diseases, such as diabetes melitus. We aimed to determine the prevalence and pattern of complementary and alternative medicine use among patients suffering from diabetes melitus in Shiraz, southern Iran. Another objective was to explore associated factors for use of complementary and alternative medicine among patients with diabetes melitus.
    METHODS: A 19-item semi-structured questionnaire (open- and close-ended) was administered to 239 patients with diabetes melitus in this cross-sectional study. It was carried out in two outpatient diabetes clinics afifliated with the Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran.
    RESULTS:One hundred and eighty patients (75.3%) used at least one type of complementary and alternative medicine in the last year prior to the interview. Patients with diabetes melitus who were living in a large family (≥ 5 members), not taking insulin, and believed that complementary and alternative medicine have synergistic effects with conventional medicine, were independently and signiifcantly (P values: 0.02, 0.04, and 0.01, respectively) more likely to use complementary and alternative medicine. Most of the users (97.7%) reported use of herbal preparations, and 89.4% of users did not change their medication, neither in medication schedule nor its dosage.
    CONCLUSION: The use of complementary and alternative medicine, especialy herbal remedies, is popular among diabetes patients in Shiraz, Iran. This use is associated with patients’ family size, type of conventional medications and their view about concomitant use of complementary and conventional medicine.

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    BACKGROUND: Fibromyalgia is a syndrome characterized by chronic pain, fatigue, depression, and sleep disturbances. Its primary cause is unclear. Several studies have reported decreased intracelular magnesium levels in patients with ifbromyalgia and have found negative correlation between magnesium levels and ifbromyalgia symptoms.
    OBJECTIVE: To gather preliminary data on whether transdermal magnesium can improve quality of life for women who have ifbromyalgia.
    DESIGN, SETTING, PARTICIPANTS AND INTERVENTIONS: This is a patient questionnaires and survey in a fibromyalgia clinic at a tertiary medical center. Forty female patients with the diagnosis of ifbromyalgia were enroled. Each participant was provided a spray bottle containing a transdermal magnesium chloride solution and asked to apply 4 sprays per limb twice daily for 4 weeks. Participants were asked to complete the Revised Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire, SF-36v2 Health Survey, and a quality-of-life analog scale at baseline, week 2, and week 4.
    MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: Questionnaire and survey scores, evaluated through intent-to-treat and per-protocol analyses.
    RESULTS: Twenty-four patients completed the study (mean [SD] age, 57.2 [7.6] years; white, 95%; mean body mass index, 31.3 kg/m2). With intention-to-treat analysis, Revised Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire subscale and total scores were signiifcantly improved at week 2 and week 4 (total score, P= 0.001). Per-protocol analysis results were similar: al subscales of the Revised Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire were signiifcantly improved at week 2 and week 4 (total score,P= 0.001).
    CONCLUSION:This pilot study suggests that transdermal magnesium chloride applied on upper and lower limbs may be beneifcial to patients with ifbromyalgia.
    TRIAL REGISTRATION:ClinicalTrials.gov.ldentiifer NCT01968772.

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    OBJECTIVE:Zanthoxylum heitzi is a medicinal plant widely used in central Africa for the treatment of many diseases, especialy cardiovascular diseases and hypertension. The diuretic effects of crude stem bark extraction were determined and its safety in rats was evaluated.
    METHODS:The diuretic effects of crude stem bark extraction ofZ. heitzi were investigated in Wistar rats (250 g ± 10 g) of both sexes. The crude stem bark extraction ofZ. heitzi at the doses of 225, 300 and 375 mg/kg was administered to rats at 5 mL/kg body weight. Urine volume was determined 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 24 h after administration of the extract. Kinetics of electrolyte elimination in response to a single oral administration dose of acute treatment was measured. The experiments were performed under the same conditions with two synthetic pharmacological diuretics considered as reference (furosemide and hydrochlorothiazide). Urinary and plasma concentrations of sodium and potassium ions were determined using lfame photometry. Concentrations of creatinine, urea, glucose, albumin and electrolytes in the plasma and urine samples were evaluated using a two-way digital bidirectional spectrophotometer. The osmolarity of plasma and urine samples was measured by cytometry using an osmometer. Aldosterone was measured by radioimmunoassay.
    RESULTS:The plant extract accelerated the elimination of overloaded lfuid and increased urine volume and the excretion of Na+, K+ and Cl- 24 h after administration (P<0.05). The increase in elimination of Na+, K+, and Cl- induced by the extract caused alkalinization of the urine, and showed a strong inhibitory effect on carbonic anhydrase and saluretic. These effects were mainly observed at the dose of 375 mg/kg. At the maximum diuretic response, urinary osmolarity decreased signiifcantly (P< 0.05) when compared to controls. The stability of aldosterone level, the absence of correlation with the plasma levels of Na+, and increased clearance of free water in the animals treated with extract indicated that increased diuresis and natriuresis were tubular in origin. No signiifcant (P> 0.05) changes were observed in the body temperature of the animals.
    CONCLUSION:The signiifcant increase in urine volume 24 h after treatment folowed a dose-response pattern. The excretion of Na+, K+ and Cl- caused a decrease in urine osmolarity. The stability of aldosterone, the absence of correlation with the plasma levels of sodium, and increased clearance of free water in animals treated with aqueous extract suggest that increased diuresis and moderate natriuresis elevation were of tubular origin.

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    Autophagy is a lysosome-mediated degradation process for non-essential or damaged celular constituents, playing an important homeostatic role in cel survival, differentiation and development to maintain homeostasis. Autophagy is involved in tumors as wel as neurodegenerative, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Recently, active compounds from traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) have been found to modulate the levels of autophagy in tumor cels, nerve cels, myocardial cels and endothelial cels. Ischemic stroke is a major cause of neurological disability and places a heavy burden on family and society. Regaining function can signiifcantly reduce dependence and improve the quality of life of stroke survivors. In healthy cels, autophagy plays a key role in adapting to nutritional deprivation and eliminating aggregated proteins, however inappropriate activation of autophagy may lead to cel death in cerebral ischemia. This paper reviews the process and the molecular basis of autophagy, as wel as its roles in cerebral ischemia and the roles of TCM in modulating its activity.

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    Diabetes is a common metabolic disorder characterized by abnormaly increased plasma glucose levels. Postprandial hyperglycemia plays an essential role in development of type-2 diabetes. Inhibitors of carbohydrate-hydrolyzing enzymes (such as α-glucosidase and α-amylase) offer an effective strategy to regulate/prevent hyperglycemia by controling starch breakdown. Natural α-amylase and α-glucosidase inhibitors, as wel as antioxidants from plant-based sources, offer a source of dietary ingredients that affect human physiological function in order to treat diabetes. Several research studies have investigated the effectiveness of plant-based inhibitors of α-amylase and α-glucosidase, as wel as their antioxidant activity. The aim of this review is to summarize the antidiabetic and antioxidant properties of several medicinal plants around the world. Half inhibitory concentration (IC50,for enzyme suppression) and half effective concentration (EC50, for antioxidant activity) values of less than 500 μg/mL were deifned as the most potent plant-based inhibitors (in vitro) and are expected to provide interesting candidates for herbal treatment of diabetes, as foods, supplements, or reifned drugs.

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    OBJECTIVE: More than one-third of colege students reported the desire for stress reduction techniques and education. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of a 20-week structured self-Reiki program on stress reduction and relaxation in colege students.
    METHODS: Students were recruited from Stockton University and sessions were conducted in the privacy of their residence. Twenty students completed the entire study consisting of 20 weeks of self-Reiki done twice weekly. Each participant completed a Reiki Baseline Credibility Scale, a Reiki Expectancy Scale, and a Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) after acceptance into the study. The PSS was completed every four weeks once the interventions were initiated. A global assessment questionnaire was completed at the end of the study. Logs summarizing the outcome of each session were submitted at the end of the study.
    RESULTS: With the exception of three participants, participants believed that Reiki is a credible technique for reducing stress levels. Except for two participants, participants agreed that Reiki would be effective in reducing stress levels. Al participants experienced stress within the month prior to completing the initial PSS. There was a signiifcant reduction in stress levels from pre-study to post-study. There was a correlation between self-rating of improvement and ifnal PSS scores. With one exception, stress levels at 20 weeks did not return to pre-study stress levels.
    CONCLUSION: This study supports the hypothesis that the calming effect of Reiki may be achieved through the use of self-Reiki.

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    Recombinant adeno-associated virus (rAAV) serotype 2, 3 and 8 vectors are the most promising liver-tropic AAV serotype vectors. Liver diseases are signiifcant problems in China. However, to date, few studies on AAV neutralizing antibodies (Nabs) were working with the Chinese population or with the rAAV3 vectors. The present study aimed to determine the prevalence of Nabs in Chinese population against wild-type AAV2, AAV3 and AAV8 capsids as wel as additional two AAV3 variants. In addition, we performed a preliminary analysis to investigate the potential inlfuence of traditional Chinese medicine body constitutions on AAV Nabs. Our work demonstrated that the majority of healthy Chinese subjects were positive for AAV Nabs, with the order of AAV2 > AAV3 = AAVLK03 > AAV8. There was no difference between: 1) AAV3 and its variants; 2) male and female subjects; and 3) different age cohorts (≤ 35, 36–50, and ≥ 51 years old). People in the Qi-deifciency constitution had signiifcantly increased AAV8 Nabs than people in the Gentleness constitution. Our studies may have impact on the future clinical design of AAV-based gene therapy in the Chinese population.

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