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  • 早产儿生后两周内营养供应对青春期身体组成及血压的影响


    目的 充足的营养对早产儿至关重要.关于早期营养及其对后期生长影响的纵向信息十分有限.本研究的目的是确定早产儿的早期能量和蛋白质供应对青春期身体组成和血压的影响.方法 本研究于2007~2008年对36例男性青少年(12.3±1.7岁)和25例女性青少年(11.5±1.8岁)进行了调查,他们系出生于1989年10月1日至1995年12月31日之间胎龄23~34周、出生体重<1850 g的早产儿.根据其出生后两周内的营养模式(肠内与肠外)、能量供应(每日<70千卡/kg与每日≥70千卡/kg)及蛋白质供应情况(每日超过2.5 g/kg ≥5 d与每日超过2.5 g/kg<5 d),将调查对象分组,比较各组青春期身高、体重、血脂、血压等的差异.结果 在控制出生体重和生理成熟度的基础上,婴儿期能量摄入每天≥70千卡/kg的青少年身高(163 ±11 cm)和体重(58±16 kg)大于能量摄入每天<70千卡/kg的青少年(身高156±11 cm,体重49± 16 kg),差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);两组间血压与体脂百分含量未见明显差异.结论 婴儿期较高的能量摄入与青春期的体格大小相关,但并不会构成不利的风险因素,如血压升高或体脂增加.

  • The impact of socioeconomic status on growth during infancy versus puberty in a developing country


    Objective:To explore the relationship between socioeconomic status from one side and physi-cal growth and nutritional status from the other side, in infants versus adolescents in Egyptians. Methods: Three samples were investigated:a) A sample of 605 infants aged 6 months+1 week (287 girls and 318 boys). B) A sample of 992 infants of age 4-24 months (465 girls and 527 boys). C) A sample of 1864 chil-dren and adolescents aged 6-14 years of (744 girls and 1120 boys). All samples are from Big Cairo area of both urban and rural localities and of various socioeconomic strata. Body weight and length/height had been measured and body mass index (BMI) had been calculated for every subject. Assessment of the impact of pa-rental education level, locality and number of sibs, on growth and nutrition as indicated by BMI was attemp-ted. Results: a) Breastfed infants (6 months +1 week) grow bigger in low socioeconomic strata and in rural areas than artificially fed infants. The practice of breast feeding was more common and lasted longer in low so-cioeconomic stratum than in middle and high one. B) A significant positive association between body mass in-dex of infants (4-24 months) and the socioeconomic status (particularly level of father education reflecting family income) was proved. C) The socioeconomic factors had insignificant influence on BMI of school chil-dren aged 6~9 years, but it showed significant influence in the period 10~14 years. After the age of 9 years, children started the pubertal stage earlier and had higher BMI in the high socioeconomic strata as com-pared to those of low socioeconomic strata. D) In the low socioeconomic status, breast feeding compensates the deleterious influences of the environment on growth and physique of infants. Conclusion: children of educated parents have significantly low number of siblings'size in comparison to those of uneducated parents. Also chil-dren of educated parents are significantly more in number in urban areas than in rural areas, and vice versa. The interdependence between parental education and locality shows the highest level of significance in both se-xes and at all ages.

  • Long-Term Trend of Bone Development in the Contemporary Teenagers of Chinese Han Nationality


    Objective To further improve the accuracy of bone age identification using the time of secondary ossification center appearance and epiphyseal fusion of 7 joints to estimate the age of living individuals.Methods DR films were taken from 7 parts including sternal end of clavical and the left side of shoulder,elbow,carpal,hip,knee and ankle joints of 1709 individuals who came from eastern China,central China and southern China,whose ages were between 11.0 and 20.0 years.From those 7 joints 24 osteal loci were selected as bone age indexes,which could better reflect age growth of teenagers.The characteristics of secondary ossification center appearance and epiphyseal fusion were observed,and the mean and age range of secondary ossification center appearance and epiphyseal fusion were calculated.Results The fusion time of the 24 epiphyses were advanced at different degrees,the most obvious epiphyses the sternal end of clavicle,scapular acromial end,distal end of the radius,distal end of the ulna,iliac crest,ischial tuberosity,the upper and lower end of tibia and fibula.The appearance time of sternal end of clavicle,scapular acromial end,iliac crest and ischial tuberosity epiphyses were all found to be after the age of 12,and the female's age,approximately 1year ahead of schedule in comparison with the male's.Conclusion The relevant forensic information and data for bone age identification should be updated every 10-15 years so as to provide accurate and objective evidence for court testimony,conviction and sentencing.



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