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    Objective: To assess the haematological and lipid profile assays in asthmatics. Methods: Eighty asthmatic subjects were prospectively studied in a major referral centre serving the Niger Delta region of Nigeria for 12 months (2006-2007). Clinico-haematological and serum lipid total cholesterol (TC), triglyceride (TG), and lipoproteins concentration were analyzed after adjusting for age, cigarette smoking, alcohol ingestion, hypertension and diabetes mellitus. Results: Eighty patients (34 males and 46 females) were seen with female predominating in the various age groups (M∶ F ratio, 0.7∶ 1). Total cholesterol and low density lipoproteins-cholesterol for the asthmatics was significantly higher than the controls (P<0.000 1), while the ratio of TC∶ HDL-C(high density lipoprotein-cholesterol) in asthmatics was 3.67 compared to the control value of 3.01. TC and low density lipoprotein-cholesterole( LDL-C) were significantly higher in females than the males (P<0.05). There was a combined hypertriglyceridemia (HT, >2.3mmol/L) and a significant hypercholesterolemia (HC, >5.2mmol/L) according to the Adult Treatment Panel III definition in asthmatics thereby putting them at increased risk for the development of cardiovascular disease as well as other disorders related to excess lipids. There was a significant thrombocytopenia (P<0.000 1) which may accompany allergen exposure and this persists for 24 h; that asthmatics of African descent showed a significantly increased total leucocyte count (P=0.001) similar to other studies in the Western countries. Conclusion: Hyperlipidaemia is a prevalent medical problem among asthmatics; hence screening for fasting serum lipid levels to identify those who need early intervention is recommended.



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