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  • 文献
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  • 作者:陈鹏;柴莹

    Objective: To investigate the dynamics of plasmacAMP/Cgmp in patients during cardiac surgery, and itsrelationship to traumatic stress.Methods: Sixteen patients, aged 19.31 years ± 10.4years, who underwent an open heart operation withcardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) and hypothermia wereserved as subjects. The arterial plasma concentrations ofcyclic adenosine monophosphate ( Camp ) and cyclicguanosine monophosphate ( Cgmp ) were measured byradioimmunoassay 2 hours before operation, afterheparinization, 20 minutes following CPB, at the end of theoperation, and 24 and 72 hours postoperatively,respectively. The patients' preoperative blood samples wereheparinized and the venous blood samples of 30 healthyblood donors were taken to measure the levels of Camp andcGMP as heparin and normal controls separately.Results: There were no statistical difference amongthe heparin control, preoperative level and normal control.The peak values of Camp and Cgmp occurred during CPBand plasma Camp levels changed synchronously withintensities of operative stimulus to human body. HowevercGMP level was mainly related to the operative stimulus to the heart and CPB. The Camp value was positivelycorrelated with the Cgmp value ( r = 0.6313, P < 0.001 ).Conclusions: Dynamic variation of plasma cyclicribonucleotide can be considered as a reference parameterfor intensity of traumatic stress.