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Sudden Death due to Brainstem Leukemic Hemorrhage:A Case Report
IntroductionLeukem ia is a hem atologic neoplasm characterized by potential infectious and hem orrhagic com plications In adult patients with acute leukem ia,in fection is the most com m on com plication.Imtrcra nial hem orrhage (ICH) is the second most common com plication.H ow ever,ICH has been identified as the m ajor cause of m orbidity and m ortaliity in pa tients with leukem ia[1-6].A num ber of case ceports ascribed the death of leukem ic patients due to hem orrhge of the supratentorial and infratentorial brain,basal ganglia,and cerebellum [2,7-9].However,few cases have reported on brainstem hem orrhage.The current case report involved a young wom an who died of brainstem hem orrhage due to acute leukem ia,discussing the pathophysiologic m echanism underly ing ICH.Futhherm ore,the risk factors were specified,w ith a provision of suggestions to forensic pathologists in handling deaths associated w ith ICH,especially sudden unexpected deaths.
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