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    AIM To evaluate the effects of expandable metallic stent biliary endoprostheses (EMSBE) viaultrasonographic guided percutaneous transhepatic approach on the treatment of benign and malignantobstructive jaundice.METHODS Thirty-eight patients with obstructive jaundice (29 males and 9 females) aged 27 to 69 years(mean 54.7 years) were studied. Of them, 4 were benign and 34 malignant obstructions. Percutaneoustranshepatic cholangiography (PTC) was performed under ultrasonic guidance. A catheter was introducedinto the dilated bile duct via the introducer. A guide wire was inserted through the occlusive part of biliary duct after dilating with a double-lumen balloon catheter. A self-expandable metallic stent was inserted intcthe occlusive bile duct under fluoroscopic control.RESULTS The success rate of sonographic guided PTC was 100% (38/38) and the success rate of stentimplantation was 86.8% (33/ 38). Biliary obstruction was eliminated immediately, jaundice subsidedgradually and symptoms relieved after the procedure. During the 3 to 28 months fellow-up, re-occlusionoccurred in 4 malignant cases which were corrected by balloon catheter dilation and/or by stent, one patienthad secondary cholangitis and fifteen died without jaundice 6 - 28 months after the procedure. The otherswere alive with no jaundice. No severe complications or side effects were observed.CONCLUSION EMSBE via sonographic guided percutaneous transhepatic approach is a reliable and safepalliative therapy for malignant jaundice and an ideal nonoperative method for benign biliary obstruction. Ithas a definite positive impact on the quality of patient life.



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