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口服泻剂是大肠癌术前肠道准备的常用方式,有助于促进术后肠道功能恢复、减少并发症.为了比较20%甘露醇(mannitol,M)和复方聚乙二醇(compound polyethylene glycol,PG)在肠道准备方面的效果,将127例拟行大肠癌根治术的患者,随机分为20%甘露醇组(mannitol,M)和复方聚乙二醇组(compound polyethylene glycol,PG),采用双盲对照观察,比较肠道清洁效果和电解质紊乱情况,现介绍如下.
Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) causes significant yield loss in susceptible crops irrigated with contaminated water. However, detection of TMV in water is difficult owing to extremely low concentrations of the virus. Here, we developed a simple method for the detection and quantiifcation of TMV in irrigation water. TMV was reliably detected at concentrations as low as 10 viral copies/μL with real-time PCR. The sensitivity of detection was further improved using polyethylene glycol 6000 (PEG6000, MW 6000) to concentrate TMV from water samples. Among the 28 samples from Shaanxi Province examined with our method, 17 were tested positive after virus concentration. Infectivity of TMV in the original water sample as well as after concentration was conifrmed using PCR. The limiting concentration of TMV in water to re-infect plants was determined as 102 viral copies/mL. The method developed in this study offers a novel approach to detect TMV in irrigation water, and may provide an effective tool to control crop infection.