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  • 中国MSMW异性性伴状况及其HIV预防检测需求的定性研究


    MSMW(men who have sex with men and women)是指合并拥有异性性伴的男男性行为者,该人群不仅是感染HIV的高危人群,也是HIV由高危人群向普通人群传播的桥梁。

  • 作者:

    From the emergence of the genus "homo" over 2 million years age, until the agricultrnral revolution of roughly 10. 000 years age our ancestors were hunter-gatherers,so the adaptive pressures inherent in that environmental niche have exerted defining influence on human genetic make up. The portion of our genome that determines basic anatomy and physiology has remained relatively unchanged over the past 40. 000 years. Consequently, the complex interrelationship between energy intake, energy expenditure and specific physical activity requirements for current humans remains very similar to that orginally selected for stone age men and women who lived by gathering and hunting.

  • 热点·研究·药物


    糖尿病在中国流行是一个不争的事实,杨文英教授等在<新英格兰医杂志>发表的论文"Prevalence of diabetes among men and women in China"(N Engl J Med,2010,362:1090-1101)报告中国成人的糖尿病患病率已达9.7%,糖尿病前期的患病率达15.5%.

  • 作者:

    Objectives To assess weight loss efficacy ,safety and tolerability of sibutramine in simple obese subjects.Methods Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial. Four hospital outpatient clinics in Shanghai, Chongqing, Shandong and Tianjin, respectively. Participants: 233 men and women, 18-65 years old, with body mass index (BMI) ranging from 27 to 40*!kg/m2 were randomly divided into an intervened group and a placebo control group. Sibutramine 10 mg or placebo once a day. Main outcome measures: Body weight, routine laboratory and clinical safety monitoring.Results Of 233 eligible patients, 120 received sibutramine and 113 received placebo. Weight reduction was significantly greater in the intervened group (6.8±3.1) kg than the placebo control group (0.48±2.6) kg from week 4 onwards to week 24 (P<0.001). Some minor side effects were noticed in the subjects who took sibutramine. But the symptoms were light and short term. Sibutramine was will tolerated.Conclusions Sibutramine 10*!mg once a day is an effective an safe therapy for weight reduction in simple over-weighted and obese subjects.

  • 老年人使用碳酸氢钾可减少尿钙排泄与骨吸收



  • Novel Pro-oncogene Pathway in Lung Cancer


    Lung cancer is one of the most common malignant tumors in the world, and is the leading cause of cancer death in men and women in the world.

  • 作者:

    Osteoporosis and consequent fracture are not limited to postmenopausal women. There is increasing attention being paid to osteoporosis in older men. Men suffer osteoporotic fractures about 10 years later in life than women, but life expectancy is increasing faster in men than women. Thus, men are living long enough to fracture, and when they do the consequences are greater than in women, with men having about twice the 1-year fatality rate after hip fracture, compared to women. Men at high risk for fracture include those men who have already had a fragility fracture, men on oral glucocorticoids or those men being treated for prostate cancer with androgen deprivation therapy. Beyond these high risk men, there are many other risk factors and secondary causes of osteoporosis in men. Evaluation includes careful history and physical examination to reveal potential secondary causes, including many medications, a short list of laboratory tests, and bone mineral density testing by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) of spine and hip. Recently, international organizations have advocated a single normative database for interpreting DXA testing in men and women. The consequences of this change need to be determined. There are several choices of therapy for osteoporosis in men, with most fracture reduction estimation based on studies in women.



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