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Objective To establish a profile of the causes of apparently unexplained SS in genetic referral center and evaluate the current referral system. Methods This was a retrospective database survey on patients who were referred our clinical genetic service from 1988-1998 primarily because of SS. We retrieved the study population from our computer database using "short stature" as a search handle and then studied the demographic, clinical and laboratory data from their medical records. Results Three hundred and fifty-three subjects were referred for genetic evaluation of SS in 1988-1998. The mean age of referred subjects was 11.5 years and the female to male ratio was 7.6. All referrals had undergone cytogenetic studies to exclude chromosomal abnormalities, 19% of girls with apparently unexplained short stature had Turner syndrome; at least 47.9% of the study population were normal variants and 25% of the referrals had inadequate information for classification.Conclusions Genetic investigation is essential in the management of patients with SS, especially for girls suspected of having Turner syndrome, in which growth hormone treatment has shown to improve final height. We also highlight the inherited causes of short stature, which were often misdiagnosed as benign familial short stature, and discussed the drawbacks of the current referral system.
对特发性身材矮小儿童诊断和治疗的共识声明生长激素研究学会、Lawson wilkins儿科内分泌学会及欧洲儿科内分泌学会专题研讨会纪要
垂体机能减退(hypopituitarism),又称垂体性侏儒症(pituitary dwarf),或Lévi-Lorain侏儒,是由于垂体前叶机能不足所引起儿童期生长发育障碍.通常表现为肢体匀称性短小并呈幼稚状态,常同时影响到性器官和第二性征的发育.原发性病因不明,部分病例有家族发病史,可能为常染色体隐性遗传病.在治疗方面,通过重组DNA的技术,人工合成人体生长激素(human growth hormone,HGH)已获得成功,现已能够对垂体机能减退的患儿进行治疗.此外,还可用来治疗体质性矮身材(constitutional short stature)或伴有生长延迟的先天综合征.