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  • WHO代表Dr.Cris Tunon的致词


    Let me start by thanking the State Environmental Protection Administration for inviting us to participate in this very important meeting. This Forum is indeed a milestone in the history of environmental health in China and on behalf of the World Health Organization. I would like to congratulate SEPA and also our Ministry of Health colleagues for holding this National Forum on Environment and Health.

  • 作者:

    For nearly forty years,the National Library of Medicine' s(NLM)Toxicology and Environmental Health Information Program(TEHIP) has been a signifcant leader in organizing and providing public access to an extensive storehouse of environmental, occupational medicine, and toxicological information through its online databases.

    关键词: environmental health
  • 美国环境基因组计划介绍


    1997年10月17日,美国国立环境卫生科学研究所(National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences,NIEHS)召开会议,讨论环境基因组计划(Environmental Genome Project,EGP)的可行性.1998年2月美国国会正式批准实施的"环境应答基因及其对人类健康的影响”项目,即EGP.1998年4月4日,美国国家环境卫生科学委员会正式拨专款(预计首期投入6千万美元)启动该研究项目.EGP是由隶属于国家健康研究院(National Institutes of Health,NIH)的几个研究所、能源部和其他联邦政府机构合作的.

  • 2012年俄亥俄州暴露于电子废料回收工厂的父母导致儿童铅中毒的调查

    作者:Nick Newman;DO;Camille Jones;MD;Elena Page;MD;Diana Ceballos;PhD;AalokOz;MS

    铅会影响儿童的神经系统发育,而且至今还没有找到血铅的安全水平。儿童血铅水平的升高与多动、注意力问题、行为问题和认知障碍相关联。由于幼儿经常把他们的手或污染的物体放入口中,因此他们暴露于环境中铅的风险较高。1979年以前的住房中,日益恶化的含铅油漆是儿童铅暴露的常见的来源,尽管如此,数据表明,依然有大于30%的儿童血铅水平升高源于涂料以外的其他暴露。当铅尘通过员工的皮肤、衣服、鞋等个人物品从工作场所转移到他们的汽车和家庭时,铅污染就被带回家了。使用过的电子产品(电子废料)的回收利用是发展性神经毒物(包括铅)的相对较新的来源。2010年,美国辛辛那提市卫生厅和辛辛那提市儿童医院儿童环境卫生专业小组( Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Unit , PEHSU)调查了一个家庭中的2起儿童铅中毒的案件。

  • 作者:

    Background: Heatwaves have a significant impact on population health including both morbidity and mortality. In this study we examined the association between heatwaves and emergency hospital admissions (EHAs) for renal diseases in children (aged 0-14 years) in Brisbane, Australia.
    Methods: Daily data on EHAs for renal diseases in children and exposure to temperature and air pollution were obtained for Brisbane city from January 1, 1996 to December 31, 2005. A time-stratified case-crossover design was used to compare the risks for renal diseases between heatwave and non-heatwave periods.
    Results: There were 1565 EHAs for renal diseases in children during the study period. Heatwaves exhibited a signifi cant impact on EHAs for renal diseases in children after adjusting for confounding factors (odds ratio: 3.6; 95% confidence interval: 1.4-9.5). The risk estimates differed with lags and the use of different heatwave defi nitions.
    Conclusions: There was a significant increase in EHAs for renal diseases in children during heatwaves in Brisbane, a subtropical city where people are well accustomed to warm weather. This finding may have significant implications for pediatric renal care, particularly in subtropical and tropical regions.



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