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    AIM:Atherosclerosis primarily involved systemic arteries .Luminal surface , a monolayer of endothelial cells , of artery directly exposes to blood and is susceptible to active substances in the blood .Exosomes contain significantly amount of proteins and RNAs .Ex-osomes can be good and bad for cells , depending on their component .Thus, exosomes may contribute to atherosclerosis by affecting endothelial cells .This study analyzed the relationship of exosome proteins and atherosclerosis .METHODS: Fifty-six patients and healthy subjects were recruited and divided into two comparisons:healthy subjects vs atherosclerosis ( HS vs AS) , and hypertension vs hypertension plus atherosclerosis ( HT vs HT+AS) .Serum exosomes were decoded by protein mass spectrometry .The protein profile and function were analyzed by gene ontology ( GO) .RESULTS:It was found that five child terms repeatedly appeared in “response to stimulus” and “immune system process” of BP of the two categories ( HS vs AS and AS vs HT+AS):“positive regulation of innate immune response”,“immune response-activating signal transduction”,”activation of innate immune response”,“innate immune re-sponse-activating signal transduction” and “innate immune response activating cell surface receptor signaling pathway ”.Two child terms repeatedly showed in “binding” of MF of the two categories:“antigen binding” and “enzyme binding”.Two proteins, PSMA6 and PSMA7, were repeatedly shown in the two categories .CONCLUSION:GO analysis was utilized for structure hierarchy “tree” to illustrate these proteins involved in various terms in BP , CC and MF.The PPI analysis supplied proteins which may play potentially im-portant roles in AS process .Innate immune system and blood coagulation pathway contribute to AS formation .The proteins, PSMA6, PSMA7 and Annexin A2, may can be the new target proteins for prevention and treatment of AS .

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    In 1958 the speaker believed that background radiation might cause a fatal cancer. In 1970 he believed there was no risk from background or from the small doses received from diagnostic uses of X-rays. Since 1990 he has come to believe that for good health most people need more radiation than they receive from nature. The talk will emphasize the results of two large British radiologists who entered the field between 1955 and 1979, when compared to all other male English physicians of the same age. Had a 29% lower cancer death rate, a 36% lower death rate from non-cancer and a 32% lower death rate from all causes. The chances of such a health improvement being accidental is less than one in one thousand. The lower death rate from all causes results in more than a three year increase in longevity-the same increase in longevity that would result ff all cancer were curable. The US Government sponsored nuclear shipyard worker study shows that the 28,000 nuclear shipyard workers with the greatest radiation doses, when compared to 32,500 shipyard workers who had no on-the-job radiation, had significantly less cancer and a 24% lower death rate from all causes. That is, the nuclear workers had nearly a three-year increase in longevity.The chance of that health improvement being accidental is less than one in ten million billion. The talk will describe a double blind study to test the hypothesis that a moderate dose of ionizing radiation stimulates the immune system of senior citizens in the I.S. Gulf States where cancer mortality is 25% greater than in the mountains, which have about 300% more background radiation than the Gulf States. Radiation deficiency may be a health problem in many areas of the world.

  • 分泌型抗体对致龋变形链球菌的防御作用


    共同粘膜免疫系统(The common mucosal immune system,CMIS)是抵御有害病原通过粘膜侵害人体健康的重要屏障,它所产生的分泌型免疫球蛋白(SIgA)在一定程度上维护着口腔健康 .本文就近年来粘膜分泌免疫在龋病预防中的研究进展作一综述.一、抗体介导的抗变形链球菌的保护机制口腔中的抗体来源于两种途径:①循环系统的各种免疫球蛋白(immunoglobulin,Ig)从龈沟渗出到达口腔;②唾液腺产生的分泌型IgA(SIgA).后者在比例上占绝对优势.一般认为, 抵御致龋菌的特异性免疫保护作用依赖于唾液中的SIgA.SIgA有2种亚型:SIgA1和SIgA2, 口腔中以SIgA1占优势[1].在对不同患龋水平和不同变形链球菌(下简称变链菌)水平儿童的全唾液进行免疫印迹研究发现,低龋儿童比高龋儿童有更明显的抗变链菌抗原的条带[2].许多体外研究也揭示了抗体的保护机制,即①识别和封闭作为细菌粘附器的抗原决定簇;②改变细菌表面的物理、化学特性,如改变疏水性和表面电荷等,以减少潜在的非特异性粘附.多克隆抗体的作用比单克隆抗体更加明显,这是由于多克隆抗体可与多个抗原决定簇发生反应,包被在细菌的表面,使其表面的物理化学性质发生改变所致;③使细菌产生凝集,利于体内防御机制对其清除.

  • 肾综合征出血热患者红细胞免疫功能的检测及临床意义


    自1981年美国生殖免疫学家Siegel提出"红细胞免疫系统"(the red cell immune system)的新概念后,引起国内外学者的极大关注,开拓了机体免疫系统新领域,许多学者对其表达、机理、调节因子等进行了大量研究[1].但是,在肾综合征出血热(HFRS)患者进行血液透析(HD)过程中红细胞免疫功能如何变化却研究较少.因此,对我院HFRS患者HD前后的红细胞免疫功能进行了检测和分析,现报告如下.

  • 作者:

    Objective: To evaluate the role of MHC Ⅱ expression in posttrauma immune disturbances and infections.Methods: In experimental study, peritoneal macrophages were harvested from traumatized mice and treated with GM-CSF, Ia molecules were determined by flow cytometry. In 24 trauma patients, monocyte HLA-DR expression was measured by APAAP technique.Results: Marked inhibition of MHC Ⅱ molecule expression was found in both traumatized mice and patients. In traumatic patients with infection, the inhibition was more severe. Treatment with GM-CSF in mice partially restored the Ia expression.Conclusions: Inhibition of MHC Ⅱ molecules plays an important role in postrauma immune disturbances.There is a close relationship between HLA-DR inhibition and clinical infections.

  • 疾病生态:丛林法则下的激烈竞争


    编辑导读2008年邀请曹雪涛院士撰写了中国免疫学发展的长篇述评,曹院士在文中提道:"‘Balancing'the human body to prevent disease is an important philosophical tenet of traditional Chinese medicine,in the theory of yin(negative regulation) and yang (positive regulation).Similarly,in the immune system there are feedback regulators or controllers that initiate and activate immune responses."文章将中国古典哲学中的太极图和阴阳平衡理论引入世界高水平的学术期刊,以哲学的思维对现代生命科学和疾病进行精妙的阐释.

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