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  • 嗅鞘细胞移植治疗脊髓损伤后顽固性神经性疼痛17例报道


    目的 探讨嗅鞘细胞移植对脊髓损伤后顽固性神经性疼痛的治疗效果.方法 对细胞学治疗后获得疗效的脊髓损伤合并顽固性神经性疼痛患者的临床资料进行总结.2004年11月~2007年11月间的17例患者,其中男性15例,女性2例,年龄18~68岁,平均40.4岁.受伤6~312个月,平均105.9个月,受伤原因包括车祸、坠落、放射性损伤、机器挤压伤、枪伤、跳水.疼痛持续时间6~309个月,平均102.2个月.嗅球嗅鞘细胞胰蛋白酶消化成单细胞后培养12~14 d.细胞移植到损伤段的上下两端.疼痛评价使用国际神经修复学会脊髓损伤日常生活功能评价量表:0分为极度疼痛,止痛药无效;1分为中度疼痛,需用强效止痛药;2分为轻度疼痛,普通止痛药有效;3分为无疼痛.结果 随访时间0.5~88个月,平均17.5个月,疼痛平均改善1.2分.结论 嗅鞘细胞移植对脊髓损伤后神经性疼痛有一定治疗作用.

  • 周围神经移植修复急性脊髓损伤研究的进展


    1 历史与现状早在三、四十年代,人们就发现游离周围神经(free peripheral nerves, FPN)脊髓内移植可使损伤轴突出芽,到了七、八十年代,很多学者以令人信服的形态学证据证实,FPN脊髓内移植能使损伤神经元发挥很大的再生潜能,生长突破宿主-移植物界面,移植的神经能被较好地神经化,再生轴突的胞体多分布于损伤处附近.

  • 不同方法移植胚胎脊髓促进成鼠损伤脊髓功能恢复的研究



  • pSVPoMcat微基因修饰雪旺细胞脊髓内移植对操作脊髓再生的影响


    Objective In order to observe the role of genetically modified Schwann cell (SC) with pSVPoMcat in the regeneration of injured spinal cord.Method The cells were implanted into the spinal cord.Ninety SD rats were used to establish a model of hemi- transection of spinal cord at the level of T8,and were divided into three groups,randomly, that is,pSVPoMcat modified SC implantation(Group A), SC implantation(Group B),and without cell implantation as control(Group C).After three months the presence of axonal regeneration of the injured spinal cord was examined by means of horseradish peroxidase(HRP)retrograde labeling technique and stereography.Result The results indicated that HRP labeled cells in Group A and B could be found in the superior region of injured spinal cord and the brain stem such as the red nuclei and oculomotor nuclei. The density of ventral horn neurons of the spinal cord and the number of myelinated axons in 100 μ m of the white matter was A >B >C group.Conclusion In brief,the pSVPoMcat modified SC intraspinal implantation could promote regeneration of the injured spinal cord.

  • pSVPoMcat微基因修饰雪旺细胞脊髓内移植对损伤脊髓细胞的保护作用


    Objective To study the protective effects of the intracord transplantation of microgene pSVPoMcat- genetically- modified Schwann cells (MSCs)on spinal cord injury (SCI).Method Rats with semi- division(SD) of the spinal cord was divided into 4 groups.Group S consisted of the rats with SD treated with the transplantation of MSCs, Group B of the rats with SD treated with the transplantation of SCs without genetic modification,Group C of the rats with SD without treatment and Group D was the normal control. 8 hours after operation,the half of the rats of each group were killed and the injured segment of the spinal cord was resected to be examined with atomic absorption spectrophotometry . Another half of the rats of all the groups were examined with neurological function tests to have a combined behavioral score (CBS).Result There was a significant increase of water content and Na+ and Ca2+ ions and a decrease of K+ and Mg 2+ ions in the injured cord segment of Group C and a statistically significant recovery was observed in Group A. The intracord transplantation of pSVPoMcat genetically modidied SCs improved the neurological outcome of spinal cord injury.Conclusion Our findings indicate that intracord transplantation of pSVPoMcat- genetically- modified- Schwanncells exerts protective effects on the injured segment of the spinal cord through the improvement of the internal ion environment of the spinal cord.

  • 大鼠胚胎脊髓移植后增加损伤脊髓生长抑素mRNA的表达


    [目的]研究大鼠胚胎脊髓移植后是否能够影响生长抑素(S0M)mRNA的表达.[方法]将动物分为单纯半切洞损伤组(A组)、胚胎脊髓移植组(B组).术后1、3、7、14、28 d,采用原位杂交方法观察SOM mRNA的表达,采用计算机图像分析技术,进行定量分析.[结果]胚胎脊髓移植组S0M mRNA蛋白表达明显多于单损伤组.[结论]作者的研究表明胚胎脊髓移植后可使损伤脊髓SOM mRNA表达增多.

  • 新生鼠和成年鼠脊髓损伤后胚胎脊髓移植对大鼠损伤脊髓功能恢复的影响





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