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界面指相与相之间的交界面,即两相间的接触表面,人工关节摩擦界面(friction interface)主要指人工髋关节不同部件之间的接触表面.人工髋关节曾尝试应用多种关节界面,大体上分为硬-软界面和硬-硬界面以及衬垫界面.硬-软界面包括金属-高交联聚乙烯、陶瓷-高交联聚乙烯;硬-硬界面包括金属-金属、陶瓷-陶瓷、金属-陶瓷、陶瓷化的金属-金属等.
Risk Factors of Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome(MTSS)
BackgroundAccording to Mubarak[1,2],who first coined the term medial tibial stress syndrome (MTSS)in 1982,the definition of MTSS is " a symptom complex in athletes who experience exercise-induced pain along thedistalposteromedialaspectofthetibia."Previous studies have shown that MTSS accounts for 6 to 15 percent of running related injuries [3-9] and has an incidence among certain populations (ie,military recruits) of up to 35 percent [10].The etiology of MTSS is not well known,but it is commonly believed that the cause is inflammation and possibly an avulsion of the origins of the posterior tibialis and/or the soleus from the periosteum of the posteromedial tibia [10].Traction at the periosteal interface is thought to lead to inflammation and pain at the periosteal-fascial junction.The location of the pain is usually localized over the posterior medial edge of the distal third of the tibia.
1 控制台我院GE Bright Speed 16排螺旋CT操作控制台主要由HP8200工作站、数据采集重建控制系统DARC、扫描数据磁盘阵列SDDA (scan data disk array)、图像重建器IG等组成.DARC系统类似于一个小型主机,它主要由采用Intel双核CPU的主板、2 GB DDR内存、1块系统硬盘、原始数据采集卡(DAS interface processor,DIP)、千兆网卡等组成.
脑-计算机接口(brain-computer interface,BCI)技术,也称为脑.机接口(brain-machine interface,BMI)技术,于20世纪70年代开始应用~([1]),是一种涉及神经科学、信号检测、信号处理、模式识别等多学科的交叉技术.30多年来,随着人们对神经系统功能认识的提高和计算机技术的发展,BCI技术已引起国际上众多科技工作者的普遍关注,成为生物医学工程、计算机技术、通信等领域一个新的研究热点.
故障现象友通DR不能开机,报错Com err.故障分析及检修Com err:是DR高压发生器Interface板的故障错误代码.检查Interface板,并没有发现电路板上有明显的烧坏迹象,但Interface板上布满灰尘.测量Inter-face板各个测量点,发现一路-12V的电压只有-6V.通过电路分析,考虑电路板上的整流模块故障.