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Stem cells are classified into embryonic stem (ES) cells and adult stem cells, which are the progenitors of any cell types of the body or tissues, and have the ability to self-renew and produce one or more differentiated cell types.
1原文摘要Objectives To determine which prenatal ultrasound findings indicate the need to also obtain PCR studies for viral genome in women undergoing midtrimester amniocentesis.Methods This was a retrospective observational study on women that underwent amniotic fluid karyotyping and viral PCR testing for history or ultrasound based indication.Amniotic fluid was tested for adenovirus,cytomegalovirus,respiratory syncytial virus,enterovirus,Epstein-Barr virus,and parvovirus B19 using multiplex PCR study with multiple appropriate controls.Ultrasound findings were coded as normal or abnormal with 34 categories of ultrasound abnormality stratified into 18 subgroups.
SE REPORTA female infant, 30 min after birth, was transferred to neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) from the Department of Obstetrics on October 7th, 2006 because of anasarca and no spontaneous breath. The infant was born to her mother at gravida 3, para 3, and her gestational age was 34 weeks. She was delivered by cesarean section because of intrauterine distress and polyhydramnios. Prenatal color Doppler flow imaging ( CDFI ) suggested bilateral hydronephrosis and ascites. The Apgar scores were 3 at 1 min and 7 at 5 min. Amniotic fluid was clear but excessive. The infant had anasarca, cyanosis and had no spontaneous breath at birth. She was admitted to the NICU after tracheal intubation.
羊水胎粪污染(Meconium Staining of the amniotic fluid,MSAF)在产科很常见,对围生儿除易引起胎粪吸入、新生儿窒息外,对颅脑损伤的影响不可忽视.本院儿科自1996年4月至1999年3月,对凡在本院出生的羊水Ⅱ~Ⅲ度粪污染新生儿全部行头颅B超筛查.对其中无明显窒息症状及体征者,将B超结果报告如下:
羊水栓塞(amniotic fluid embolism,AFE)是一种极为凶险的产科并发症.AFE已上升为产科死因的首位[1].近几年来对AFE的发病机制已有了更新的认识,现就AFE的诊断、治疗新进展进行讨论.
The dynamic level of immunosuppressants such as alpha-fetoprotein(α-FP), gestation associated protein, progesterone, estradiol, chorionic gonadotropin, etc. of peripheral sera and the regulatory mechanism of cellular immunity in the peripartum stages in sows were determined by advanced radioimmunoassay (RIA) and immunochemistry methods in this study. The effects on lymphocyte cultivated in vitro by the immunosuppressants mentioned above were tested by cell culture technology, respectively. The results were as follows: (1) α-FP: The level of α-FP of peripheral sera in the stage of ante-parturition was slightly higher than that of post-parturition in sows, but it didn't show statistical difference. The concentration of α-FP of peripheral sera in conceptus sows had no obvious effect on lymphocyte cultivated in vitro, and it indicated that α-FP was not the major immunosuppressant in the pregnancy of sows. However, the α-FP, whose concentration was equal to that of amniotic fluid, had obvious inhibition on lymphocyte cultivated in vitro. (2) Gestation associated protein: The level of gestation associated protein was maintained highly (100-162 mg/L) in peripheral sera and amniotic fluid in the stage of ante-parturition in sows, then descended gradually after parturition and disappeared step by step 5-10 d after parturition. The gestation associated protein, whose concentration were equal to that of peripheral sera and amniotic fluid, were added to lymphocyte culture in vitro, and the effect on lymphocyte activity was not observed yet. This showed that gestation associated protein was not the major immunosuppressant in the peripartum stage in sows. (3) Estradiol and progesterone: Estradiol or progesterone at the level of sera in pregnant sows, could lower the rate of lymphocyte transformation and the level of cellular immunity. (4) Chorionic gonadotropin: The level of chorionic gonadotropin of peripheral sera in the stage of ante-parturition was slightly higher than that of post-parturition in sows, but it didn't have statistical difference. The chorionic gonadotropin, whose concentration was equal to that of sera, was not yet observed obvious effect on lymphocyte cultivated in vitro. (5) Added the five above-mentioned immunosuppressants to lymphocyte culture in vitro, whose concentration were equal to those of sera in pregnant sows, they could drop the rate of lymphocyte resette formation and lymphocyte transformation, lower the level of cellular immunity and reduce the concentration of IL-2 which synthesized and secreted by lymphocyte in culture remarkably. Their inhibitory intensity of cellular immunity was evidently higher than that of any single immunosuppressant.
羊水栓塞(amniotic fluid embolism,AFE)是指分娩过程中羊水进入母体循环而引起的肺栓塞、弥漫性血管内凝血(DIC)、肾衰竭等一系列病理改变的严重综合征,是孕产妇死亡的重要原因之一[1].典型症状是呼吸困难、发绀、出血和昏迷.少数患者在阴道分娩或剖宫产后1h内,不经心肺功能衰竭及肺水肿阶段直接进入凝血功能障碍所致的大量阴道出血或伤口渗血阶段,为迟发型羊水栓塞(delayed amniotic fluid embolism,DAFE)[2].DArE因缺乏急性AFE典型的临床表现,容易误诊而延误治疗.本文就我院2001年1月至2011年12月11年来诊断的DArE进行回顾性分析,探讨其临床特征和早期诊断和治疗方法.