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Objective. To evaluate the Plasmodium falciparum CTL epitope vaccines in HLA class I allele specific human cell lines that have high frequency among Chinese population. Methods. Synthesized oligonucleotides encoding for P.f. CTL epitope genes, constructed eukaryotic expression plasmids, transfected the minigenes into HLA class I allele specific human cell lines and identified endogenous expressing of the minigenes by RT-PCR and HLA stabilization assay. Results. Two mini-genes encoding Plasmodium falciparum CTL epitopes were designed and cloned, respectively, into an eukaryotic expressing vector to form TR26 which was restricted to HLA-B51, SH6 which was restricted to HLA-A2.1, and TS, which had the two aforementioned mini-genes fused in tandem. All of these CTL epitope genes were transfected and endogenously expressed in respective cell lines containing appropriate HLA molecules. The obviously increased expressions of HLA class I molecules were detected in the transfected cell lines. It was demonstrated that the two discrete Plasmodium falciparum epitope genes were effectively processed and presented, and the close proximity of the two epitope genes in one chain as in mini-gene TS did not interfere with the processing and presenting of each epitope gene in corresponding cell line. Conclusion. A successful expression and presentation of multiple CTL epitope mini-gene in MHC class I allele specific human cell lines were demonstrated by an in vitro assay, which could be corresponding to the vaccination of CTL vaccines in people with different MHC I molecules. This work also suggested the possibility of constructing a multiple CTL epitope plasmodium falciparum DNA vaccine that could cover most of Chinese population.
Objective To explore whether Pvu Ⅱ restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLP) in the lipoprotein lipase (LPL) gene are associated with hypertriglyceridemics (HTG).Methods Pvu Ⅱ restriction fragment length polymorphisms in the lipoprotein lipase gene on a sample of 135 HTG patients and 193 age-matched healthy individuals in Chengdu area were detected with the method of PCR-RFLP.Results The P+P+ genotype frequency and P+ allelic frequency of LPL gene for HTG cases are higher than those for control groups (0.460 vs 0.337, P<0.05; 0.689 vs 0.565, P<0.01). The serum levels of TG, apoC Ⅱ, apoC Ⅲ, apoE and TG/HDL-C in P+P+ genotype are higher than those in P-P- genotype (P<0.05).Conclusion The results suggest that P+P+ genotype in the lipoprotein lipase gene is associated with susceptibility to hypertriglyceridemics in Chinese population.
Following an acute myocardial infarction (AMI), patients have an increased risk of stroke. Estimates of risk are mainly derived from AMI treatment trials or secondary prevention studies. The reported incidence of stroke in Caucasians in the early phase after AMI ranged from 0.5% to 2.5%.1-3 Similar assessment of risk in the Chinese population is lacking. As thrombolytic therapy becomes standard treatment for AMI, there is concern that there may be an increase in haemorrhagic stroke complicating AMI treatment, especially since haemorrhagic stroke is more common in Asian populations.
黑素细胞皮质激素受体(MCR)-4(MC4R)是五种已被发现的MCR之一,由332个氨基酸残基组成,是七跨膜G蛋白偶联受体家族的成员之一,大量存在于中枢神经系统的各个区域中.近年来,中枢神经系统黑素细胞皮质激素能途径在介导人类与动物能量平衡及肥胖症发生发展中的作用,已受到人们广泛重视.初在1998年Giles等和Vaisse等就分别报道了单一家系中早期发病的严重肥胖症患者存在MC4R基因单一位点杂合子移码突变[1,2].到目前为止,在欧洲人群中已有十余个MC4R基因突变位点被相继报道.本研究对60例肥胖患者及20例体重正常无代谢综合征的志愿者进行了外周血DNA MC4R受体基因测序,以了解该基因在中国人群中的突变发生率及与肥胖症的关系.
目的 研究显示核苷酸切除修复通路在去除吸烟引起的DNA损伤中发挥着重要的作用,旨在探讨核苷酸切除修复通路单核苷酸多态性与吸烟相关性肺癌易感性的关系.方法 选取1 010例肺癌患者和1 011例止常对照.采用基于通路的候选基因选点策略,从核苷酸切除修复通路相关的8个核心基因中筛选出40个标签SNPs进行检测和分析.结果 单个位点分析发现6个SNPs(ERCC1 2个,DDB2 2个,ERCCA/XPF 1个,XPC 1个)与肺癌的易感性相关.进一步采用Logistic回归模型,调整年龄、性别、吸烟史和肿瘤家族史后,仍有3个SNPs(ERCC1 rs3212948,DDB2 rs830083,ERCC4 rs3136038)与肺癌易感性存在统计学关联.等位基因联合分析结果 进一步表明肺癌的发病风险随着风险等位基因个数的增加而增加,尤其是ERCC1,ERCC2,ERCC3,ERCC5,XPA和XPC.结论 本研究结果 提示核苷酸切除修复通路基因多态性可能与中国汉族人群的肺癌个体易感性有关,值得进一步进行功能学探讨及大样本人群验证.
Objective:To explore the association of SNPs at the 3'-UTR of apoptosis genes CASP3 and CASP7 with the risk of gastric cancer among Han Chinese in the northeastern region of China.Methods: In a case-control study of 1,000 patients with gastric cancer and 1,036 cancer-free controls with frequency matching on age and sex. We genotyped 4 potentially functional SNPs (rs1049253 T/C and rs1049216 T/C in CASP3, rs4353229 T/C and rs12247479 G/A in CASP7) by using Taqman assays and evaluated their associations with risk of gastric cancer by using logistic regression analyses.Results:Compared with the GG/AG genotypes, the CASP7 rs12247479 AA genotype was associated with 0.560-fold decreased risk (P=0.036, 95% CI, 0.325~0.964) of gastric cancer, but no associations were found for the other 3 SNPs. After gastric cancer cases were stratified according to sex, age, smoking and drinking data, this risk was more evident in subgroups of nonsmokers, OR =0.506 (P<0.01, 95% CI, 0.407~0.629).Conclusion:Potentially functional SNP in the microRNA binding sites at the 3'-UTR of apoptosis genes CASP7 rs12247479 variants may contribute to risk of gastric cancer.
目的 研究白细胞介素10(ID-10)基因-1082位点单核苷酸多态性在我国胃癌高发区和低发区普通人群和胃癌患者中的分布,并探讨该位点基因多态性与我国胃癌的关系.方法 用聚合酶链反应-限制性片段长度多态性(PCR-RFLP)检测年龄和性别匹配的广东省104例普通人群及104例胃癌患者和陕西省普通人群和胃癌患者各102例的IL-10-1082位点单核苷酸多态性.采用ELISA检测血清幽门螺杆菌(Hp)IgG.结果 IL-10-1082位点A/A、A/G、G/G三种基因型在本研究人群中的分布频率为86.7%、10.7%和2.4%.在胃癌低发区,胃癌患者携带IL-10-1082 G·的频率明显高于普通人群(14.4% vs 7.7%,X2=4.02,P<0.05,OR=1.01,95%CI=1.08~3.10),IL-10.1082 G*基因型增加Hp感染后胃癌发生的危险性(X2=5.36,P<0.05,OR=6.0,95% CI=1.23~17.52);在胃癌高发区,胃癌患者IL-10-1082 G·基因型频率与对照组无明显差异(12.7% vs 16.6%,P>0.05).两地区胃癌人群ID-10-1082 G·基因型频率无显著差异(12.7% vs 14.4%,X2=0.13,P>0.05);两地区普通人群中,高发区IL-10-1082 G·基因型频率明显高于低发区(16.6% vs 7.7%,X2=4.27,P<0.05,OR=1.29,95% CI=I.12~6.11).结论 IL-10.1082 G等位基因增加Hp感染后胃癌发生的危险性,IL-10-1082位点单核苷酸多态性可能与我国汉族人群胃癌发生有关.