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Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology 중국림상심리학잡지

  • 主管单位: 中华人民共和国教育部
  • 主办单位: 中国心理卫生协会
  • 影响因子: 1.47
  • 审稿时间: 1-3个月
  • 国际刊号: 1005-3611
  • 国内刊号: 43-1214/R
  • 发行周期: 双月刊
  • 邮发: 42-122
  • 曾用名:
  • 创刊时间: 1993
  • 语言: 英文
  • 编辑单位: 中国临床心理学杂志编辑部
  • 出版地区: 湖南
  • 主编: 姚树桥
  • 类 别: 基础医学
  • 通过团体心理咨询提高初中生自我概念水平的研究


    Objective: To study the effect of group counseling for improving self-concept pf junior middle school students. Methods: Group counseling was conducted on 10 selected junior middle school students. All members were assessed by PHCSS, SES and SCCS before and after intervention. Results: Group counseling was found to increase the students' total scores on PHCSS, SES and SCCS, showing significant improvement on their self-esteem, self-consistency and congruence. Conclusion: Group counseling can improve self-concept of junior middle school students.

  • 父母受教育水平对婴儿早期智能发育的影响


    Objective: To study the effect of parent's education on the early intellectual development of infants. Methods: A total of 3,000 infants in a general hospital were sampled and divided into three groups: 3-month-old, 6-month-old and 9-month-old. All of the infants were tested with DST. Results: The parent's education was shown to have a significant effect on the intellectual development of 6-month-old and 9-month-old infants. The better education the parents had, the brighter the infants were. Conclusions: The parent's education had significant effect on the baby's early intelligence development.

  • 脑梗死患者急性期-康复期认知变化与脑MRI分析


    Objective: To examine correlations between MRI and cognitive changes associated with cerebral infarction. Methods: Using HDS-R and Senior Cognitive Scale, we assessed 101 patients with cerebral infarction during acute to rehabilitation phase. The results were compared with their MRI. Results: At 3 weeks after onset, cognitive impairment was found in 70.3% of the patients. At 6 months after onset, 10% recovered to normal, 35.6% improved, 22.8% worsened, and 42.5% met the criteria of dementia. During acute phase, infarction focus and leukoaraiosis (LA) were related to cognitive impairment P<0.05). During rehabilitation phase, cognitive impairment was related to LA.Conclusion:Cerebral infarcti on results in significant cognitive impairment. LA is the major cause of cognitive impairment associated with cerebral infarction in rehabilitation.

  • 画人智力测验的城乡比较研究


    Objective: To conduct a comparative analysis on children with the latest Draw-A-Person Test (DAPT, Hangzhou norm). Methods: DAPT was administered to 1837 children aged from 7 to 12 in different regions for comparison. Results: As compared to the Hangzhou norm of DAPT, the total scores among children in different cities showed no significant differences. However, reliable difference was found between children in urban and rural areas. Conclusion: Children in urban and rural areas showed significant difference in intelligence as assessed by DAPT.

  • 性操作焦虑对阴茎勃起障碍的影响研究


    Objective: To understand psychological factors involved in erectile dysfunction. Methods: The erectile dysfunction rating scale (EDRS), State-trait anxiety inventory (STAI), and sexual psychological questionnaire (self-designed) were administered to 74 cases (30 psychogenic ED patients and 44 normal control objects).Results: High levels of sexual performance anxiety were found to affect patients' self-evaluation and coping responses. Sexual performance anxiety, deficient sexual sensitivity and poor communication techniques were the major contributing factors of psychogenic erectile dysfunction.Conclusion: Sexual performance anxiety constitutes a significant factor of erective dysfunction.

  • 催眠针法治疗心绞痛的疗效及血浆ET、NO改变的研究


    Objective: To evaluate the treatment effects of hypnotic acupuncture therapy on angina pectoris. Methods: 40 cases of angina pectoris treated by hypnotic acupuncture therapy were compared with 31 cases of angina pectoris treated by pure acupuncture. Results: Symptom relief rate and change of ECG were found to be more desirable in the Hypnotic acupuncture therapy group than in the pure acupuncture group (P<0.01,P<0.05). Pre-post treatment comparisons on levels of anxiety, depression, ET and NO also showed that hypnotic acupuncture therapy was superior to the pure acupuncture group (P<0.05).Conclusion:The present study provides strong support for hypnotic acupuncture therapy for angina pectoris, in terms of its treatment effects on both mental and physical improvement.

  • 三所精神病院间医护人员对精神疾病态度的比较


    Objective: To compare the attitudes of doctors and nurses from different psychiatric hospitals on mental illness and its stigma experienced by mentally ill patients and their family members. Methods: A questionnaire was administered to 102 doctors and 116 nurses from three psychiatric hospitals in Beijing with different mean lengths of admission and different proportions of chronic patients. Results: There was relatively little difference in the attitudes of nurses among the three hospitals, but doctors from the three centers differed significantly in their beliefs about the social worth of psychiatric patients, patients' level of violence and the need to restrict patients' social activities, as well as the effect of stigma on patients and their family members. These differences among physicians remained after adjusting for gender, age and level of education; this suggests that their attitudes were related to the types of patients they treated.Conclusion: The attitudes of doctors and to a lesser extent nurses on mental illness are affected by the duration of illness and level of social disability of the psychiatric patients they treat.

  • 脑卒中患者抑郁情绪的初步调查


    Objective: To investigate depression status in patients with stroke. Methods: Hamilton Depression Scale (HAMD) was used to assess 63 hospitalized patients with stroke and 30 healthy persons. The total and factor scores of the HAMD were compared between groups, as well as between first occurrence and reoccurrence of stoke. Results: HAMD total score and factor scores were significantly higher in stroke patients than in healthy controls (P<0.01), as well as higher in the reoccurrence than in the first occurrence of stroke (P<0.05). Conclusion: Most stroke patients experience significant depression, which might play an important role in reoccurrence of stroke .

    关键词: stroke Depression
  • 澳门与广州两地护士焦虑和抑郁的比较研究


    Objective: To examine differences in depression and anxiety between nurses in Macau and Guangzhou. Methods: To compare the scores of SAS and SDS of two groups of nurses in the First Affiliated Hospital of Jinan University and Macao Centro hospitalar Conde de S. Ja'muario. Results: Total mean scores of SAS and SDS showed no significant differences between groups. There were however significant group differences in item scores on symptoms such as anxiety, fear, panic, pain in body, fatigue, dyspnea, frequent urine, hyperhidrosis on SAS, as well as constipation, tachycardia, fatigue on SDS (P<0.05). Conclusion: The emotional state of nurses in the two regions was related to woke environment and cultural background.

  • 幻觉特异类别特征的量化分析


    Objective: To study the specific characteristics of hallucination. Methods: Eighty-three psychiatric patients were assessed with Hallucination Assessment Scale (HAS). Correlation analysis was conducted on all of the 5 major characteristics of hallucination.Results: Significant positive correlations were found among the 5 major characteristics of hallucination. The characteristic of "Effectiveness" was shown to bear the highest correlations with the other characteristics. Conclusion: Effectiveness appears to be the most distinctive characteristic of hallucination.

  • 森田疗法对疑病症治疗康复作用的研究


    Objective: To study the therapeutic effects of Morita therapy on hypochondriac neurosis. Methods: 50 patients diagnosed as hypochondriac neurosis according to CCMD-2-R were treated with stage occupational life experience therapy for 12 to 14 weeks. The therapeutic effects were assessed by MMPI before and after treatment. A follow-up assessment was also conducted 6 months after treatment. Results: The highest scores of the patients with hypochondriac neurosis were Hs, D, Hy, Pt, showing the 1-2-3-7 MMPI profile. Scale scores on Pd, Pa, Sc were higher than norms. The elevated MMPI scale scores showed significant decrease after treatment, especially for scales 1,2,3,7. The treatment response rate was 78% and the relapse rate after 6 months was 13.95%.Conclusion: Morita therapy was shown to achieve satisfactory therapeutic effects on hypochondriac neurosis.

  • 自我效能感、应付方式和犯罪青少年抑郁的相关研究


    Objective: To explore the characteristic of depression and its relationship with general self-efficacy and coping styles in delinquent teenagers. Methods: 228 delinquent teenagers in jail completed a battery of questionnaires consisted of General Self-Efficacy Scale (GSES), Short Coping Style Scale (SCSS), and Center for Epidemiological, Depression Scale (CES-D).Results: Mean scores of depression of delinquent teenagers were found to be highly elevated. A total of 52.6% of the subjects showed depression. Depression as assessed by CES-D was found to correlate with General self-efficacy (r=-0.162) and Negative Coping Styles (r=0.177). No significant relationship was found between Positive Coping Styles and depression. Conclusion: Depression of delinquent teenagers was related to low self-efficacy and negative coping styles.

  • 50例肝硬化患者心理问题的临床研究


    Objective:To study mental health status and personality of patients with cirrhosis, for examining the role of psychological factors in the genesis and development of the illness.Methods: Mental health status and personality of patients with cirrhosis were assessed by Symptom Checklist-90 (SCL-90)and Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ). Results: Except for Interpersonal Sensitivity (IS) and Psychosis (P), factor scores of SCL were found to be significantly higher in patients with cirrhosis when compared to controls (P<0.01), especially for Somatization (S), Obsessive-Compulsion (OC), Anxiety (A) and Depression (D). Neuroticism score of EPQ in patients with cirrhosis were also significantly higher than that in controls (P<0.01). Conclusion: Mental health status of patients with cirrhosis was shown to be poor, as characterized by greater emotional distress and poorer regulatory control over environmental stress. The higher Neuroticism score of EPQ indicated higher levels of emotional instability and mental irritability among patients with cirrhosis, which should be addressed by appropriate psychological interventions for better clinical outcomes.

  • 心理干预提高独生子女士兵适应能力的研究


    Objective: To study the effects of psychological intervention on the adaptability of the only son recruits. Methods: Mental status of the only son recruits and non-only son recruits were assessed using Symptom Checklist-90, Social Support Questionnaire and Simplified Coping Style Questionnaire before and after psychological intervention. Results: The only son recruits scored significantly higher on depression, anxiety, and interpersonal sensitivity prior to psychological intervention, when compared to the non-only son recruits (P<0.05 or 0.01). The scores of negative emotion decreased and the scores of positive coping style increased significantly in the only son recruits after psychological intervention (P<0.05 or0.01).Conclusion: Psychological intervention could improve the psychological status and adaptability of the only son recruits.

  • 无症状性脑梗死患者的心理功能测评


    Objective: To evaluate psychological functions of patients with silent cerebral infarction (SCI). Methods: MMSE WMS, SDS, Finger-Tapping Test and Test of Sensory-perceptual Dysfunctions in Halstead Reitan Battery Revised in China were administered to 38 SCI patients identified by CT or MRI, and compared with 30 control subjects.Results: Total score of MMSE in SCI patients did not differ significantly from control subjects. MQ and subtests score of WMS in SCI patients were significantly lower. Finger-Tapping Test and sensory-Perceptual Test in SCI patients were also significantly lower. The positive rate and score of SDS in SCI patients were significantly higher. Conclusion: Significant neuropsychological problems of cognition, memory, fine motion, sensory-perception and emotion were found in SCI patients.

  • 初中生抑郁情绪与学校因素的相关性研究


    Objective: To study the role of school factors in depression of middle school students. Methods: CES-D, Teacher-Student Relationship Questionnaire, Scale for Assessing Peer and Study Achievement Questionnaire were administered to 500 students (grade 1 to grade 3) from three middle schools in Nanchong, Sichuan. Results: Depression was significantly correlated with teacher-student relationship and peer relationship. Chinese achievement was significantly correlated with loneliness and helplessness, despair and worthlessness, feeling of ability failing and bad moods, but not with physiological symptoms. Mathematical achievement was significantly related to despair and worthlessness, but not to loneliness and helplessness, feeling of ability failing and bad moods, or physiological symptoms. Regression analysis revealed negative emotion, positive emotion, support-help and Chinese achievement were significant predictors for depression of students. Conclusion: Better teacher-student relationship and peer relationship helped to reduce depression of middle school students.

  • 对精神病患者家属健康教育需求的调查与分析


    Objective: To investigate the contents and formats of health education needed by family members of hospitalized psychiatric patients. Methods: 116 family members of hospitalized psychiatric patients were interviewed with a self-designed inventory of health education. Results: Family members indicated poorest knowledge with respect to psychotherapeutic medication, strategies for preventing relapse, and management of family nursing. They also indicated the greatest need for knowledge in relation to effects and side-effects of psychotropic medication, monitoring of effects of psychotropic drugs, and measures to prevent relapse of mental illness. The most acceptable formats of health education were instructions by medical staff and recommendation for relevant reading materials.Conclusion: Mental health education should be based on the needs of patients' family members and be delivered in acceptable formats.

  • 几种职业人群的兴趣特点研究



  • 贝克焦虑量表的心理测量学特性、常模分数及因子结构的研究


    目的:探索Back焦虑量表中文版(BAI)的心理测量学特性、常模分数及因子结构.方法:对189例被诊断患有焦虑症或忧郁症的香港精神科门诊病人进行问卷研究.结果:BAI的内部一致性相当良好,全量表(Cronbach α)系数为0.95,高的5 个百分等级之患者焦虑分数为39分或以上,探索因子分析及验证因子分析发现简单的两因子模型能适切地解释BAI的因子结构.结论:中文版BAI有良好的信度,而其因子结构中的两因子(生理反应因子及焦虑思想因子)不仅与原来的BAI两因子相似,也与认知行为理论对焦虑症的解释逻辑一致.

  • 从55岁以上城乡居民MMSE得分特征上探讨其适用范围


    目的:探讨MMSE的适用人群及影响因素.方法:通过随机整群分层抽样,对4921名55岁或以上的西安市城乡居民进行MMSE测查.分析MMSE在不同人群中的得分特征对痴呆的阳性预测值和分析影响MMSE得分的因素.结果:MMSE得分在不同年龄、不同文化程度、总体人群中都呈现负偏态,尖峭峰型分布.在年龄较轻(70岁以下)、文化程度偏高(初中或以上)的人群中偏态分布明显,痴呆的检出率较低;而在年龄偏大(70岁以上),文化程度偏低(小学及以下)的人群中接近正态分布,痴呆的检出率较高.年龄、性别、受教育年限、听力下降、日常生活能力对MMSE得分有显著影响. 结论:MMSE量表适用于年龄偏大(70岁以上),文化程度偏低(小学或以下)的人群,对痴呆的筛选能力大;而对于年龄偏小,文化程度偏高的人群,MMSE的鉴别筛选力较低.

    关键词: 认知 老年人 MMSE
  • 婚姻质量与个性、婚姻动因的关系



  • 强迫症病人的心理防御特征及其相关因素的研究


    目的:对强迫症(OCD)病人的心理防御特征及其相关因素进行研究.方法:OCD病人组和正常对照组各60 例,入组时按要求填写防御方式问卷(DSQ)、父母教养方式评价量表(EMBU)和艾森克人格问卷(EPQ).结果:病人组中间型和不成熟型防御机制因子分(分别为4.64±0.72和4.69±1.07)显著高于正常组(分别为4.34±0.58和3.86±0.98),成熟防御机制因子分(5.32±1.44)显著低于正常组(5.80±0.81).病人组EMBU情感温暖、理解因子分明显低于正常组;惩罚、拒绝和过度保护因子分显著高于正常组.OCD患者神经质标准分(N)显著高于对照组,外向标准分(E)显著低于对照组.相关分析显示病人组EMBU的惩罚、拒绝和过度保护因子分与中间型和或不成熟型防御机制因子分显著正相关.父母情感温暖、理解因子分与EPQ的E分以及父亲过度保护因子分与N分均显著正相关.结论:OCD患者过度应用中间型和不成熟型防御机制,并与父母不良的教养方式和患者个性缺陷有关.

  • 短时放松入静状态下自我暗示对心脏功能的调节作用


    目的:观察松静状态对心脏功能的潜在作用.方法:选择自愿参加者103 名,以心率和ST-T波为指标,在诱导被试进入短时放松入静状态后,采用电脑型8110K心电图机,连续观察自我暗示对心率和ST-T波的影响.结果:放松入静状态下,心脏对自我暗示的敏感性明显增加,不仅心率可随自我暗示升降,一些异常的ST-T波也得到明显的改善.结论:放松入静是自我暗示(或意念)调节心脏功能的重要背景(或基础),研究结果有益于设计一些非药物疗法以辅助治疗(或康复)某些心血管疾病.

  • 阿尔茨海默病认知鉴别指标的初步分析


    目的:探讨有助于鉴别阿尔茨海默病的认知指标.方法:样本由正常老年组74 名,AD组和VD组各5 例,对每位研究对象实施MMSE以及记忆、思维、语言和空间认知功能测试.结果:不同组别之间比较显示,除在视觉再认得分上,组别之间无显著差异,其余均有明显差异;阿尔茨海默病患者和血管性痴呆患者在分类测验上,与正常老年组没有明显差异;阿尔茨海默病患者和血管性痴呆患者在各项得分上均无明显差异.结论:记忆、思维、语言、空间等认知项目能区分出痴呆患者与正常老年,但不能特异性地区别出阿尔茨海默病,需要研究更为细致的认知指标.

  • 颈动脉粥样硬化对脑梗死患者认知功能及近期预后的影响


    目的:探讨颈动脉粥样硬化对脑梗死患者认知功能及近期预后的影响.方法:对112 例脑梗死患者的颈动脉进行彩色多普勒超声检查,并对患者进行了简化智能状态量表(MMSE)、记忆力、计算力、注意力、反应速度、视空间等多项神经心理测验,同时对患者入院时、第3~4周的神经功能缺损进行评分(SSS).结果:脑梗死患者多项神经心理检测记分较健康对照组低,有颈动脉粥样硬化的脑梗死患者较无颈动脉粥样硬化的脑梗死患者记分低,以严重颈动脉粥样硬化及严重颈动脉狭窄的脑梗死患者降低为明显;颈动脉粥样硬化程度与认知功能障碍程度呈正相关.有颈动脉粥样硬化的脑梗死患者入院时SSS计分高于无颈动脉粥样硬化的脑梗死患者,近期预后差.结论:颈动脉粥样硬化可影响脑梗死患者的认知功能,有颈动脉硬化的脑梗死患者缺血性损伤严重,影响脑梗死患者的近期预后.

  • 老年心理健康问卷的编制



  • 阿片类物质对机体免疫系统的影响


    The abuse and dependence of opioids can seriously damage the users' health physically and psychologically. The authors reviewed the inhibitory effects of opioid on the immune system and related mechanisms involving cellular, humoral, and unspecific immune processes, which would cast light on the treatment of opioid-induced immunodeficiency and infectious diseases in clinical practice.

  • 网络成瘾现象研究概述


    As the Internet rapidly gains popularity in the lives of increasing numbers of people,psychologists become interested in how this technology might affect human behaviour and interpersonal communication, for sake of minimizing potential problems associated with "pathological" use of the Internet. The present paper reviews recent research on Cyber-Psychology and Internet Addiction Disorder.

  • 脑外伤病人记忆功能的康复特点


    Objective:To explore the time course of memory recovery during post-traumatic amnesia after brain injury.Methods: A patient (WGS, aged 34) with lesions in the left temporal lobe was compared with four matched control subjects on various cognitive tests. These tests included Galveston Orientation and Amnesia test, Wechsler Memory Scale-Revised Test, Semantic Memory, and Remote Memory Test. WGS was tested at 20th days and 33rd days after the brain injury. Results: During the period of post-traumatic amnesia, marked recovery was observed for orientation, semantic memory and remote memory (especially the recent and the earlier items). While the recovery of learning for new knowledge was slow, learning curve of association of unrelated items was flat.Conclusion: The differential time courses for recovery of cognitive functions should be well considered in rehabilitative training after traumatic brain injury.

  • 运用综合心理疗法治疗一例成人考试焦虑症的探讨


    Objective:This is a case study in which a 30-year-old male suffering from Examination Anxiety Disorder was treated by Eclectic Psychotherapy. Methods: Using Eclectic Psychotherapy, an approach that combines principles of Client Centeed Therapy, Cognitive Therapy, Rational Emotion Therapy (RET),and Behavior Therapy, the patient was treated for a total of 22 sessions.Results: The study showed obvious therapeutic effect for Eclectic Psychotherapy. The patient reported complete relief of his examination anxiety symptoms at conclusion of treatment. Follow-up by telephone at 1 month and 6 months after treatment showed that the patient remained stable and well.Conclusion: Eclectic Psychotherapy is an efficient way for treating symptoms of severe Examination Anxiety Disorder, both in terms of permanent cure and temporary relief.

  • 心理治疗:透过症状表象来理解病人的心理冲突


    Western psychotherapeutic approaches have been introduced into China in the past two decades, but the problem of how to integrate these methods meaningfully with the Chinese culture remains. This article shows the author's view that psychotherapists should understand a client's presenting problem on three levels during interviewing with the client. Sexual desire is viewed as a core intra-conflict of the client, covered up by relevant life experiences (e.g. love affair) and mental symptoms (e.g. anxiety, depression). The therapeutic process conducted by a therapist consists of: 1) to clarify symptom manifestations and make a diagnosis in accordance with the client's complaints; 2) to understand the client's life experiences and love affairs and to respond with empathy; and 3) to interpret the core intra-conflict and the relationships between the symptoms and the covert sexual desire. Three cases presented here illustrate the process of therapeutic interactions proposed.

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